What is money for us? According to the magazine Forbes, “money is not wealth. It measures the value of products and services, just as scales measure weight, rulers measure weight and clocks measure time. So is money that has a stable value.”
Imagine yourself on the island, where you are alone, surrounded by palms and the blue ocean. What do you do with the money? If there is no ability to trade with other human beings, these green or red papers would be good to start a fire; what is interesting that without stable money in the marketplace, everything becomes shaky and risky. When the value of money does not fit goods or services, it creates chaos. Who wants to invest in the products when the monetary value goes up and down? We can not predict returns on our investment.
How Money Are Important
I like Earl Nightingale’s saying about money, that money is crucial. It is better to have money compare with the being without them. Having money, we can give for the education of children; we can keep our homes warm in winter. We can be safe in retirement and help less fortunate people.
Having too much money can create problems if we do not know how to deal with them. When people lose money thanks to bad management, they can tell that they hate it. Unfortunately, money is no bad, no sound. They show us how much we paid for the service, nothing more.
Will Lottery Save You?
Look at the people who won the lottery. Not so many of them are happy now. Some of them would wish to live lives as it was before the lottery. Managing the money, we need education and professional advice.
Having mentors, subscribing to magazines such as Forbes, and educating themselves, we can change our view to the money.
Sometimes people think that somebody is responsible for giving them money for services that they have done. Of course, it will pay, but no more. If we want to get a high payment for our job, we need to increase our services.
Do You Know Your Stature?
Most importantly, if we would like to have enough money for everything that we need or want in this life, we need to make ourselves irreplaceable. I adore Earl Nightingale because he, in his CD Lead The Field
, gives a perfect comparison of the janitor and the brain surgeon. The doctor spent countless hours learning his job, often sacrificing his time during the years. It is the reason why he earns so much money. He is irreplaceable. To teach a janitor to do his or her job takes a few hours, maybe less. These differences between the brain surgeon and the janitor show us, how is the critical value, which we bring out to our customers or clients.
Look for Demand from Customers
Show stars or artists, who attract attention to clothing lines and live shows on TV, earn money too. Why? The demand is here. Sometimes you can not find a purpose why somebody makes so much money, for example, like Jeff Koons. He makes reproductions of familiar subjects, such as a bunny or as the train hung on the crane hoist.
Critics have different opinions about his work. Some of them see his work as kitsch; others see it as pioneering. Anyway, his actions, such as Hanging Heart sold for millions. In 2012, Tulips bought for 23.6 million. People who adore Rubens or Matisse can have a good laugh, watching his creations, but the price is here, no doubt, somebody is excited to have his works.
What Does It Mean?
It means that we need to be the best in every area, where we choose to earn money. Of course, people will compete. Nobody performs work in the same way, maybe Chinese, but you can see where is an original, or where is a copy. The quality wins because customers will pay the highest price for the best things or most fabulous service that they can get.
We need to reach for the best, learning our trade, or improving our service. The money will come because we will be worth it.
Start Move, Do Not Delay
Sometimes we are too shy, or we think that tomorrow will bring an escape from our problems. We will win the lottery, or someday somebody will leave a trust fund for us. The hope is good, but it does not bring real results until we take action.
We need to bring value to our customers. What fascinates me that there are so many ways to be my boss. Read the Forbes. Here you will find examples of how people start from the beginning, having ideas and believing in themselves.
Everything is possible; just we need to move from the dead point.
What You Revel In to Do?
We could be the best and most profitable in areas where we are happy and content. Combining our passion and business can be delightful in all spheres. We could work long hours in the beginning without the pay because we like it. We absorb knowledge and discover various aspects of how to improve service for customers and visitors. We love what do we do. If we are the best in our chosen activity, the money will come to us.
Think about how you could spend money on your loved ones, give to the charity, take a vacation, or pay all debts. You just need to decide what kind of goals do have priority. We will build our business as the building, one brick after another, accomplishing goals one by one at the time.
My Recommendation to Start Business
If you wonder where you would like to start, I can recommend an excellent company. This review you can read here.
Sometimes we got jobs, which were pleasant at the beginning, but now we would like to quit. Unfortunately, we can not do it. Bills must be paid; savings are not promising for a secure retirement. What can we do?
We can start a business online. Here you will be the boss for yourself. If you learn and work consistently, with perseverance and belief that you will win, you will succeed.
Why is it so good? You will get an education that lets you build a foundation online. You will promote your hobbies or passion for your visitors. This type of business will be with you anywhere, where is the Internet. Of course, a computer is a work tool, which is a must to have.
What kind of role does money play in your life? It would be interesting to hear from you.
Hi Nemira,
Thanks for a great post about money, I’ll be sharing this article for my friends to read! I completely agree that if you want to make good money, you have to be the best at what you do. Good work costs good money. Wealthy affiliate seems like a good option for some people. Do they help you when you need it? Like can I ask a question once I start and people will actually help?
Thanks again,
Hello Kyle. Thanks for visiting my website, I really appreciate. Yes, money is just tool, which we can use to reach our goals. We can survive without it in island, but here in civilized society, it does not work. Making to much emphasis to money, it destroys all picture. Money become master and we can be slaves for it. When people will understand, that money is value of their services they will start to improve themselves.
Thanks, all the best to you, Nemira.
Money is a powerful aspect of live because we exchange the value with stuff that can improve our situation. Things such as food, clothes, cars, shelters, and many more. However, most people underestimate the importance of it. Either they don’t care or over exaggerate about money.
You are right, one must learn to manage their financial stability through education or advice from experience folks. This will lead to more awareness on how things are spent. As the result, we would use the money wisely which later can be invested to more profitable business. (or save it for future usage)
Hello Edy, thanks for visiting my website. Sometimes people do not understand why do they live such miserable lives. I think all problems as stealing, envy and unhappiness goes from this point. People think that somebody needs to give them such as better live, better housing, better possibilities. They always expect something, but do not think how to move from this situation, how to improve their services. They blame government, neighbours, weather, but they do not think about themselves. Always was in this way ind I guess, for awhile, will be. I glad that I found Wealthy Affiliate, where I can improve my knowledge and be surrounded with members, who encourage not to stay in one place, just go forward.
Thanks for your input, all the best, Nemira.
Being the best at what you do, and doing what you love definitely makes the sacrifice of time especially in the beginning to get things going all worth it. Some of my biggest inspirations got to where they are today by do just that After all doing what what you love, is automatically going to make a person put quality into their work in my opinion. I myself personally read Forbes as well as subscribe to Entrepreneur and Money magazine to continually educate myself as to what money is really all about.
Hello Ira. I am excited to hear , that you are fan of Forbes as me. It is really great magazine. It is a pity that I started read few years ago, but now I discovered so many things thanks to Forbes. These your mentioned magazines prompt you to reach more, find out more, meet new people, dream wider and believe that everything is possible if you constantly work on your goals. Money are not everything, but they show how much do we have value, how much we are worth. This difference between two people, who are important as human beings, but their value is unlike, show us that we need improve ourselves. If we want earn more money, we need to change our worth.
Hi Nemira, you mentioned about the lottery. Very good analogy.
Indeed, most online business opportunities are just like lotteries. There are of course winners, but the vast majority of the players are the losers. So when those winners come to show you how much they won, it doesn’t mean their success can be repeated by you.
But Wealthy Affiliate is different. It does not play chance but help you build a solid business foundation. How long to complete the project, how to complete the project and how marvelous the project should be are entirely decided and controlled by you, not by chance or someone else.
Hello Matilda. Thank you for visiting my website, I really appreciate it. You are right about creating own business using knowledge from Wealthy Affiliate. Sometimes people concentrate on money and do not see big picture, what it means to them. They try hard to get money from all sources what they can find. Why these scam site are so popular. We need to work diligently, looking for best options and do not forget what money can be your master, and you can be slave.
All the best to you, Nemira.
Great article on what is the money for us. In business it’s definately easy to lose sight of helping people and just focus on earning the penny. I think we’ve all seen what it does to different industries. You mentioned your #1 recommendation to starting ones own business. Is this something that everyone can do? I’m complete newbie with anything online but your article got me thinking and now I feel like I got the motivation to keep pushin forward. Hope to hear from you soon!
Hello Jesse, thanks for input. I think most of us would like to be own boss, decide when and how to spend money, how to earn it, how to help less fortunate and seniors. Yes, money is a warm home, education and find insurance for your health. Being a best in your chosen area, is great way to achieve freedom, financial, emotional. I think if you would choose Wealthy Affiliate for online education, you would gain best knowledge available online. I wish you good luck and success here.
All the best, Nemira.
Hi Nemira I like your description of money as a tool rather than an end in itself. I think sometimes in society we are also scared of money and think that it will make us a terrible person, or that we can’t be happy with lots of money.
However if you are to manage money properly and not let it manage you, then it’s important that whilst we don’t give it too much importance, at the same time we don’t want to develop a bad relationship with it either. To succeed in business you have to develop a positive relationship towards money.
Money is there to work for you and with it you can do great things as you mentioned, such as charity work, funding development projects and reinvesting back into your own community. Working for yourself gives you that financial freedom.
Hello Marie, how are you? Thanks for visiting my website. I think it is better to see money as servant because in an other case we would forget other important things such as relationships with loved ones, enjoyment for simple things such as sunshine or beauty of nature.
We need to learn how to manage money, what to do when we have them and how to earn it in a best, efficient way.
What money is for us shows how do we see them, what kind of relationships do we have with them. Money are vital important. As you mentioned we can spend them helping less fortunate, improving lives of others.
All the best, Nemira.
Hey Nemira,
Great article.
I run in a slightly different school of thought when it comes to the janitor and the brain surgeon, in todays economy you do not want to be either. Being specialised means that you are limited to the jobs opportunities you have, and if there are no opportunities, you don’t have a job.
A perfect example of this is my father, he moved to the U.S 10 years ago and is in upper level management in one of the biggest dairy factories in the world, he wanted to return to New Zealand to work in a dairy factory here (also one of the biggest in the world) but because the commodity price of milk solids is down, there are no jobs, farmers are losing their farms due to not being able to service debt, management are being let go because there is not enough money or no need for their specialised services.
I think you need to be able to wear more than one hat, so that you have many skills, this way you can not only be an entrepreneur if you chose, but if you do want to play it safe you can always find work with a decent rate of pay in multiple industries.
Freedom Weight Loss
Hello Aiden, thanks for input and great comment. I agree with you that being universal in many fields could work better as being perfect just in one. Anyway, I think that becoming best in your chosen area works better from one perspective: time management. As I know multitasking takes a lot energy. To be perfect in a few skills requires time.
I think that world always needs professionals, who are best and nobody can change them. Your described example proves your opinion. Of course, sometimes can be situations as your fathers.As you told, he is best in his area. I think that he can be flexible and choose an other option, where he is needed.
We need to be ready for changes. From other side, how we can know what life will bring us? People, who reached peak of their career, always will find place, where they can offer their knowledge. Let’s be best!
I was never so obsessed about money or materialistic possession growing up. I wouldn’t mind if I had to live in the woods being self sufficient. But after I had my son, I know for sure I need money to provide him with easy life in this world. To live in this society, you do need money. And people who stay rich are not people who got lucky but people who have the ability to make money. That’s why people who wins lottery often goes back being to where they started from before they won the lottery.
Hello Joon, you are right that without money we can not live well in this society. What I wanted to tell, that we need to be best in our jobs or services. Without it, we can not complain that we do not have enough funds to pay for college or travels. I think that it is good when you can have an ability to do what you want to do. It would be great if we can have the occupation which we like and adore such as passion for something or our hobbies.
I found this possibility at Wealthy Affiliate because they offer the courses at the really decent price. The quality is outstanding and if we would think about community, this package is worth every penny.
To be wealthy, you need to have attitude towards it, because the money is the tool to reach what you want.
All the best to you and your son, be well, Nemira.
Enjoyed your post and as you had mentioned money is something we use to make an exchange for different goods.
Your concept of value and worth is dead on target, and I guess as individuals we all need to figure out what we want out of life and how to balance it.
I would think if money is your top priority something will have to give as there is only so much time in each person life.
What we want and do makes an impact around us So I believe we need to choose wisely.
We only have one life to live, so I try to live in balance.
Hello, Travis. I see that you have a healthy attitude towards money. It is really important that money would be a servant for us. When we focus too much on the money, we can lose more as financial freedom. We can lose our families and health. I like your attitude. It seems that you understand how to live the balanced life.
All the best, Nemira.
Nicely written, you share the truth when it comes to speaking about money which is often a “taboo” subject around the dinner table. It is very true how most athletes and lottery winners go broke a few years after their “15 minutes” of fame. Money is just a tool that we use to do more of what we already do, so if we do good things already, we will do better things in the future and if we are bad with little money we will be worse with larger sums.
Hello, Jose, I like your attitude towards money. Sometimes when people struggle to keep bills paid month after months everything can be dark and without a light at the end of the tunnel. I think that we forgot what it is to have goals. We forgot that nothing comes easy and fast. All people who reached something in the life, they work hours polishing their skills. I often look for gratification just after hour of work and sometimes I think why everything goes so slowly such as learning and adapting of knowledge in online business.
I like Henry David Thoreau’s saying, that ” If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
All the best, take care.
Well money is definitely important. I have lived years with the false belief strongly instilled in my subconscious mind that money is not important and it’s the root of evil. And there are people who constantly profess that money can not buy happiness. That’s a pretty misguided point of view that I came to realize and now I’m all for making money and wealth for a greater cause. Starting a business is one good option.