Wealthy working anywhere is the dream, which can be true. Many people chase this dream heading to wrong directions. It is no shame here. Mostly all of us have been in unfortunate situations.
What do I mean uncomfortable situation? When you believe in promises of self-proclaimed gurus, teachers or just person with shiny products.
You spend money, and most important a time to see that is here just empty promises for fast enrichment. It is the same as with fast food. Consequences are horrible if you not stop at the right time. You pay little attention to false adds and vows. You get a cat in a bag. It will run away, and you are empty handed, looking for next source, how to be rich with one push of the button.
If you want to learn all subtle Internet ways how to be on the first pages of Google, how to the create website, promote what you adore or have a passion, you can check information about Wealthy Affiliate here below.
What is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is a community, at the same time a platform, where you learn and adapt knowledge how to run a business online. It consists thousands of members around the world. The United Kingdom, Holland, France, Australia, and, United States of America, Hong Kong, Philippines – there are just places, from where members blog about their passion and hobbies.
You can be wealthy working anywhere. What you need is computer and the Internet.
It started around 2005 thanks to owners Kyle and Carson from Canada. What it was around 2005, now is changed 100%. Step by step, Wealthy Affiliate evolved to place, where everybody who wants to conquer the Internet, can get best knowledge and support. What do I mean defeat? You do not need to use heavy weapons here.
You will be an expert in your desired area when you finish Wealthy Affiliate University.
Owner Kyle invites you to try best and unique platform in the Internet world. Here is his invitation.
Everything that you need to know about secrets of navigating in jungles of the virtual world, you will find here. Community, which invariably greets new members, helps people to start the business in a virtual world and use best available techniques and tools.
How Does it Work?
There are two options, which both of them are worth to try out because both of them work for WA members.
1. Free or Starter membership. This package includes two entire functioning websites, hosting, community support and access to 10.000 discussions online. Yes, you heard it right. Because when people are learning things, they have questions. These issues answered by fellow members, who spent the longer time here.
Do you want to ask, why do they need to respond to the questions from strangers? It is a simple explanation. Because Wealthy Affiliate is a community, a real one, where members will find the answer for you, lift your spirits up and will be with you through your journey to success.
To create mentioned websites for free is possible through SiteRubix platform. It takes 30 seconds, and your site is ready to function. You do not need to pay for these two websites. It is possible to work on your site and be the free member.
You can try it here.
But mostly after staying for free, people decide to go premium. Why? Because here, in Wealthy Affiliate, you can learn so much and mostly what it is important, adapt your knowledge in life. Webinars, tutorials are accessible for premium members.
Anyway, if you want to test things around, you register for free. No credit card information, just your name, that you could communicate with members in the community. It does not matter that you do not have proper knowledge about the Internet. Here, step by step, choosing own speed and time, you will be able to promote your hobby or passion or just products, which are appealing to you.
2. Premium membership. It gives full access to coaching, web tutorials, tools for keyword searching and website building, videos, community access, and support. Here, in Wealthy Affiliate community, you will meet professors, students, moms and scientists from the whole world. Usually, if I will ask a question, after few minutes, somebody will rush to help. Members will answer your questions or will give a link, where you can repeat learned the lesson or find a reply.
Benefits of Wealthy Affiliate
1. Create the website without knowledge within 5 minutes. If somebody is quick, he or she will produce a website during 30 seconds period. You will have excellent, clean looking site, ready to attract visitors and generate revenue.
2. Get advice from internet experts in Wealthy Affiliate community for free. Every time, when the question pops up, community members help everybody with answers. Members, who spent time here longer, have experience in different topics. One specializes in video creation, others in CEO, content writing. They will take a look at the particular situation and will give the best advice for you.
3. Use keyword search tool as Jaaxy and get Google high rankings. Top level rankings mean that your website will be on the first page. More visitors will drop in. If they like what they see, they will be back again. Jaaxy keyword tool created by owners of Wealthy Affiliate. This tool lets you pick best keywords associated with your niche. It saves you the time. As you know, one thing in this world, which can be not bought, is time.
Jaaxy efficient keyword tool. You can try it for yourself.
4. Work at home or anywhere from your computer.
How about working from the coffee shop or beach? A bench in park works pretty well. How about our house or apartment? Your children would be happy to see parents more often. Your favorite animals can be with you more.
You will be the boss for yourself. Of course, you need to have a strong will and perseverance to achieve all that is best. Why? You are worth to live worry free life as everybody on this planet.
Of course, everything depends on it how much you would like to be free. Free from your boss, lack of money, frustration. Ready to pick wheel to your hands and drive to your desired direction.
5. Choose your hobby, create the website, get visitors and earn revenue.
I have some things in my mind what I could talk endlessly. Books, horses, traveling are my most favorite passions and activities. How about you? It does not matter what type of hobbies you have. It is most important how much do you know about them. Always will be people somewhere, who are excited about the same things as you. Nowadays, the Internet is the best place to reach people from the whole world.
6. Scam free environment.
Here, in Wealthy Affiliate, nobody can harass or offend members. Respect, tolerance, kindness and sense of humor are traits, similar to members. Nobody tolerates rude comments, showing off or posting unrelated links.
7. Adapt knowledge and experience from WA in every online business case. It can be offered and adapted for local business. Everybody who has clientele must have a website. Nowadays, people check smart -phones so often, that you can not miss this opportunity to learn how to create the site.You will create the website; later you will give the frame for local business owners and explain how it works. The site can be hosted on your platform. Rest is up to them. Business owners will put their information on the site. They know best what they do in their area.
8. Training tools. In WA, they have over 1000 training modules. Every classroom has different business model how to generate income. Video training, tutorials, courses gives knowledge as any college, if not more.
If somebody will linger what option to choose, there is the comparison between starter membership and being a premium member.
I could not find any negative thing what to tell about them. Yes, one detail. I wish that I would find them earlier. It could have saved me time and money. One thing more. You need to have willingness and perseverance to learn. It takes time.
You must be willing to succeed. Nobody will put you on the plate all tools and will tell which button to push, and money will flow to your account. If somebody can find any unpleasant things about WA, I will buy you ice-cream.
Update. What I found here being a member, what working here, learning and adapting knowledge can be infectious. The environment is friendly and comforting. No stress, rush hours. You pick your pace, people, which you want to follow and learn. Your computer or tablet is a best friend and you at risk to ruin your relationships with your loved ones. Why? You will be immersed here, working on your website. Being at Wealthy Affiliate is a real fun!
If you have questions or would like to leave comments, I would be happy to answer as soon as possible.
Hi Nemira, very fair text about Wealthy Affiliate. I myself have learned there all what I know about the online business. I am sure many will find this page useful. Best luck in your future work. Jovo
Thank you Jovo for your insight. I will put more information about Wealthy Affiliate here, because is just small fraction of facts still now. Regards. Nemira.
Good post on WA! Wish you success!
Thank you Michael for advice. I still looking for better ways how to present this community. Because here are so many great things what I would like to point out. All the best to you everywhere, good luck, regards, Nemira.
Clickbank has 1.2 million aafeliftis, and only 110,000 of them make at least 1 sale every 3 months. The others don’t make anything at all. Only 1% of them make enough money to live on.The above stats was given by Clickbank’s VP in recent interview.Why people use Clickbank? Because that is what the so called Gurus ask you to do all this time. So with the recent stats do you think these Gurus are teaching you the right method or you think they are teaching in a way you will always depended on them so you will buy more from them. It is like they are not teaching you how to fish but more of how to become baits.Stats don’t exist without no reason. It happens because of something. So my best guess is because of the culture on the internet marketing. So good luck on walking through those culture or environment.
Wealthy Affiliate is different platform, spam free. Here money do not grow on tree. You are not going to be rich after few weeks. If you will put serious effort learning how to create website for your business , how to use tools to make Google friendly to you, success will be in your yard. As everywhere, you got back what you put in. It is real difference from so called gurus to real people in this community. Here is scam free environment, fellow members help each other. People stay here 8-10 years. Where you have seen this type of business? You can start here for free, no obligations and your website will be created momentarily, maybe couple minutes. It is real:) all the best, take care, Nemira
Thank you for this superb write-ups. Keep sharing great articles!
Thanks a lot for another post. I’m pleased to be able to get that kind of information.
Thank you for visiting, all the best, regards, Nemira.
Positive, thanks for posting! I like your blog.
I’d would to read more.
Hello, thanks for input, all the best.
Link exchange is not good. How to create website for free, found your niche, attract visitors, you can learn in Wealthy Affiliate.Thanks.
Hello, thanks for visiting, all the best. Wealthy Affiliate is a best platform to learn. Regards.
I think that this web site needs more attention because here you can find interesting topics. I’ll be back to look for more, thanks.
thanks for visiting, regards.
Hello, it’s great information here for me
to visit this site, it consists a lot details, which were new for me.
Hi Nemira – Great post. You have covered all the points about Wealthy Affiliate really well.
I agree with you it is by far the best platform around to learn On-line marketing.
I have been on the program since December 2014 and the stuff I have learned is incredible.
Great job – Keep on Posting
Hello Mark, thank you for visiting my website. What I like here, that is a transparent company. You can ask anything, regarding online business. I am fascinated with this opportunity, especially, when I read what owner Kyle said: you guys are rubbing elbows with millionaires here. It means that we have members who achieved their goals. We can do the same if we pour all efforts to absorb everything what was given here. All the best to you here, Nemira.
great review on Wealthy Affiliate, I really enjoyed reading it. It’s crazy to see the turnaround in this company since its inception in 2005. Kyle has done a fantastic job teaching tons of people what it takes to be successful online. I do think its pretty cool that they have a free package, it makes it easier for people who can’t really afford things easily.
Matt TheDopestMatrix
Hello Matt, thank you for input. I constantly give thanks to luck, that I found this fascinating company. Just thinking,that I am here, between people from whole world, who have goals, are smart and curious human beings, makes me happy.It is so easy here to achieve results if you take time learn and adopt these knowleges in online business. All the best to you, regards, Nemira.
I find it amazing that a platform like this with all the support you will ever need offers two free websites and you don’t ever have to spend a dime if you don’t believe in the company and most importantly don’t believe in yourself and your abilities. I have been with WA for two months now and it and the phenomenal group of entrepreneurs it encompasses have supported me and given me a myriad of knowledge that a college education pales in comparison. Thanks to WA I am free to enjoy my family and work when it is convenient for me. Awesomeness I say! Awesomeness.
Hello Natalie, I guess that just people who are members of Wealthy Affiliate can tell how unique this company is. Because it not easy to paint all this picture, till somebody did not try, how it works. Everybody can try whole week for free. If somebody does not like, they can live. No attachments or fees.This amount of knowledge, I think that it is more as in college. What I like about this company, that if you work really diligently towards your goals, you can achieve everything. When I see how many smart members are here, who want you succeed in the same way. They help with advices, tutorials and follow your progress. It is the same as school, just a lot better. No bullying, no teasing. Respect and great attitude towards all members from owners of this company.
Thank you for visiting website, all the best, Nemira.
Being wealthy and able to work from anywhere in the world sounds great. I have been looking for a business to start for a while but really didn’t know where to start.
Wealthy Affiliate sounds like the right kind of business for a beginner like me. I like the fact that its free to try. I need all the help I can get and 1000 training models will really help me out. Thanks for this review. I think your going to help a lot of people.
Hello here, thanks for input. It is my dream to have time and ability to help people and at the same time to work from anywhere in world. What I like in Wealthy Affiliate, that they give knowledge, which never become secondhand. It works for you creating online business, which you can navigate everywhere, where is a computer and Internet.
Great article Nemira. I think you are right when you say that there are so many shiny objects out there that people simply lose their heads. They believe in promises of so called internet gurus, buy their amazing products that promise them quick results and then realize that they have been ripped off. Compared to most of the products I’ve come across so far, Wealthy Affiliate is the only program that gives us knowledge and motivates us in the right direction and in the end we simply get results. Yes, it requires effort and time, but their approach is very realistic.
Hello Rufat, thanks for input, I really appreciate it. Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is a special company because they offer a training, which leads you to success. It takes time and perseverance. The hard and consistent work is involved. As I know, without effort and grit nothing happens. We need to be strong minded with goals, which will be complete if we follow all trainings.
All the best to you, cheers, Nemira.
Hey, Nemira, this is quite a long and thorough review you have here.
Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the best place to learn internet marketing, especially for newbies like me. Wealthy Affiliate free membership have been a great support to my aims initially, I upgraded to a premium membership and implemented the blueprints. Well, it works.
I’ve never found anywhere else quite like Wealthy Affiliate actually. The training is wonderfully step-by-step, with actionable tasks at the end of each lesson. They are very well tailored and organized. Most importantly, the community is great a place to learn from each other and exchange ideas.
Thank you for being so elaborate and detailed in your post.
Hello Alex, it is nice to hear from fellow member about experience being part of Wealthy Affiliate. What like about them, that they have great attitude towards everybody. It does not matter who it is : newbie or somebody who is a millionaire.
Good luck in your journey, all the best, Nemira.
Hello Nemira!
Very well written, very informative! Wealthy affiliate is like an online business school that teaches and helps you run your own personal website. Its hard to know who you can trust online, but as a premium member it certainly is worth it.
Very polite active community.
Wish you all the best success Nemira! 🙂
Hello, Trevor, thanks for the comment.Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is company, which will not let you down when you have some questions, problems or issues. Lessons are rich with knowledge, the community supportive and engaging. I wish that I would know about Wealthy Affiliate before, few years earlier. However is better now, not later.
All the best, Nemira.
I am very impressed with your site, for Wealthy Affiliate. I have started my site for Wealthy Affiliate. I have been working with Wealthy Affiliate for about 4 years off and on and I agree with you, It is one of the best places to set up your web-site and learn a lot from the videos and lessons. I like the way you have your page arranged, it is so inviting. I would join just for the look of your invite.
Thanks, Dianne. Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is a great place for people who want learn how to create online business. I did not know about this place till two years ago.
All the best, Nemira
Hi there Nemira,
Excellent WA review. What I particularly like about WA is the ongoing training via live webinars. They keep us up to date with any changes that may affect our businesses – in short they got our backs covered.
More like a premium social network for like minded webpreneurs than it is a training portal.
Hello Derek, thanks for the comment. When I am a Wealthy Affiliate member, for me it is easy to grasp all benefits from this legit company. People who have a burning desire to escape race of rats could benefit from Wealthy Affiliate. There is so much to learn. From starting website and fulfilling with the content, marketing it and offering it on social media to ways how to create successful business online.
There are so many ways to earn money online. For me the website is a best way because I here share my passion for self-improvement, health and traveling. Wealthy Affiliate is a platform where you can find all resources how to reach your goals and fulfill your dreams.
All the best, Nemira
Those who believe that they can get rich with just a push of the button will always be disappointed. Wealth and success are a result of hard work and persistence.
Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scheme but rather a program that rewards consistent learning and input.
Good article.
Hello, Keith. Yes, you are right. Buttons for making us rich are just in the phantasy world. In reality we need to move our buts and work on our goals till results will show up. Wealthy Affiliate show how to do it step by step giving all resources and tools without promise to make us rich overnight. All the best, Nemira.
Wealthy Affiliate is one of the few companies that I can endorse. It has allowed me to build out my business online from the very start, and the support is amazing. One of the biggest disadvantages of Wealthy Affiliate is the abundance of information as it can be a bit overwhelming to beginners. I am always happy to support new members when first starting out so hit me up on the inside for extra support. Nemira what was the primary reason that made you join Wealthy Affiliate?
Hello here. Yes, you are right about the amount of information. When I started, I was so excited that I skipped some important lessons. I went back through course because every detail in the teaching is vitally important. We always can ask other members but I want to check for things by myself.
I always wanted to have my own website. I learned foundation of coding but there are more what to learn. If you code there is not so much time for writing, gathering information and reading countless books, magazines and scientific journals. Besides it, I needed knowledge how to present information in the website.
Wealthy Affiliate has plenty what to offer members. I have hosting, safety, ability to get any domain, support from thousands of WA members. What is important that this company is real, transparent. I do not know any company where you can get some much knowledge, support and inspiration.
All the best, Nemira.