My journey to success started a few years ago. This process was with obstacles and full of disappointment. Why? I wanted to find the option for me to be free and do what I would like to do. For me, the research took some time to find real teachers. I was a newbie, and I did not know who was who.
Who has or had the same view, please lift your hand up. Yes, I see the people who would like to have freedom and ability to do what they want to do. I was, and I am in the same company as you, who want to escape 9 to 5 job. Just I had experience which can be useful for you.
Let’s Begin
At first; I got familiar with ClickBank. It is the massive affiliate marketing network. They help for members and vendors to sell digital products. The ClickBank is a middle man, which confirms payments, process orders, takes care of customer service. Members of ClickBank helped me to get my money back when I bought the shiny product a few years ago from the different company.
Okay, I thought it is interesting to know how they create products and offer them to clients. I registered to the forum, but for me the information was unclear. I decided to look further.
Warrior Forum
At first, when I joined this place, I liked atmosphere where members shared their expertise, asked questions and got answers. Remember, it was a few years ago. Words that they used were unfamiliar to me. I started to look for other opinions, explanations, and advice. Unfortunately, it led for wasting money on shiny products and programs. I wanted to learn but stumbled upon false gurus.
Slightly disappointed I looked further. I knew that somewhere must be real mentors and people who reached success. I was close, but….
The Stranger from Australia
I can not recall how I bought one program about solo ads. This program sounded how the good way to earn some bucks. It did not cost so much. It was about few dollars.
Usually, if somebody buys the product, he or she puts an email address. It is a good way to have the contact in case if the seller wants to offer more products and give such additional information.
This particular seller contacted me and not just me with offers to buy more products. I hesitated. I wanted to try the program, which I bought already. Unfortunately, for me, everything was as dark forest or an Old Forest from the Lord of the Rings. I thought that I need a teacher, who knows more like me and can lead and teach me how to navigate an online business.
After couple weeks, the same guy offered teaching courses for beginners or as you can call for naive people like me. There are some harsher words for my behavior because I jumped on board as this guy told. He and his wife were from Australia. It is far away from Europe and North America. So what? Nowadays when the Internet is anywhere, it did not seem to me to far. Unfortunately, I was completely wrong.
He wanted for this program ten hundred dollars. For me, it was the big amount. However, I decided to pay, because I wanted to learn and use knowledge in my online business.
Let’s Roll
We communicated through email. This guy, his name is Mark Barret, asked why I wanted to join his courses.
I answered straight away, honestly and with enthusiasm:
I was happy that I found somebody who wants to teach us. The dollars amount for this program was enormous for me. But I thought that the heck. I need to move forward and take the time to absorb knowledge from this coaching program.
I got an approval and was dancing.
I sent him money through PayPal. It is was a good idea for him and me as you will see at the end of this rollercoaster.
I was happy and ready to absorb all information. Later, when I thought about all deal, what happened, I understood that I rushed and did not gather enough information about this so called “guru” and family.
However, at this time, I was excited, and I did not expect how everything will turn out for me.
We agreed to communicate through Skype. I am glad that it happened in this way because my awakening had begun faster.
The Rollercoaster Begins
Skype is great for communication. You can hear person’s voice, read and reread messages.
Step by step, I sensed that something wrong is going on. Previously, for me, it seemed a great deal, because it was a family with cute kids. The young couple, who succeed online and now they want to help others to do the same. I did not see real evidence of their success. I believed in them. Why? Because I wanted to be successful too, to know about marketing and creation of websites, which could offer helpful information to customers and visitors.
Strange Warning Signs
At first, we shared contacts as civilized people. Nothing wrong, it is not?
Later on, it was a conversation, lasting more as 10 minutes. I did not get enough information, except that wife will inform about future coaching.
I straight away used his given link. There have been few videos. It was so simple that I thought if it is all information from coaching program. With these videos, here was a few bonus. I checked them. One of them was a great eMobile Code. As a newbie, I was impressed and tried to register. It was the success at first, but later on, as with everything, I got a cold shower. I wrote straight away from them, to Mark and Victoria because eMobile Code came with their videos as the bonus.
I got an answer, which was a red flag for me.
Of course, I sorted things out. I got my money back from Slippers Trade Company. A great name but I do not want any association with it. I want to learn, not to trade slippers.
Couple days later, I asked questions and got an answer which led me to confusion and misery.
I was uncomfortable because I was in the complete dark.
Some More Fun on the Way
I like Monday, but this particular day brought for me some bad feelings that something is going on.
There is the conversation. What is interesting, that husband did not communicate with me anymore.
I did not like that I suppose to send them my work. Why? Some changes are okay if I have an ability to reach them. Anyway, with the next message, I got suspicious.
I suppose to send them my products? It would be funny if not scary. When I understand that my connection and conversation through Skype with Mark and Victoria is not available anymore, I called them few times using the number on the Skype. Nobody answered.
I thought: so what? I will ask for the refund because I did not use their service except their fake bonus.
Sometimes being open works in the best way. I asked them for the refund.
Would you like to bet if somebody answered me? At first, I thought that they would write back. No way.
I was persistent. I wrote to Skype once; later I started to write few more questions. I was not lucky. Nobody answered me.
As you see, I can go on and on with countless plea for refunding my money for the coaching, which I did not experience. It was just 12 minutes of conversation on Skype and bonus which led to me eMobile Code. I guess that you know that they are scammers. I sensed that something is wrong and asked for the refund.
Letters to Australia
When I could not reach them through Skype and phone because the number was fake, I wrote letters to them. I asked in a nice way, apologizing for taking their valuable time and for my wrong decisions. I am a big fan of the speaker and writer Earl Nightingale. He wrote about one example when the customer was unhappy with the product. His company returned the money and gave some additional bonus for free. Later on, the customer ordered more products from Earl Nightingale’s company.
I guess that after reading these letters, you would think how naive I was.
There is some correspondence.
What was strange that he sent an email regarding the same coaching. One difference was the price.
Later, I understand that it was a tactic to persuade me to stay. However, I did not want to deal with these people anymore and asked again for the refund.
After this letter, I got their attention. At least, I knew that they heard me and read my plea on Skype and letters. From his answer, I understand that I have been fooled. Of course, it was my fault because I did not gather enough information about him. For me, it was sufficient that he is or he was the member of Warrior Forum, and he had the beautiful family.
You see from this letter that no refund for his training. According to him, there is no protection for digital products from PayPal.
Anyway, deep inside I knew that I could get my money back. I got a letter there Mark promised to refund money.
I was happy and content. Finally, Mark thought about the customer. Nice.
Unfortunately, he wanted to win some more time. I waited. Nothing.
Never, Never, Never Give up
These famous words from Winston Churchill give courage for me when something goes wrong. I decided to reach them using all possible legal ways. I contacted them both through Facebook. The silence. Later, I reached him on YouTube. Of course, he never answered, but I am 100 percent sure that he read my comments.
I wrote few times to him.
As you see, it was February 2, 2015. I was still knocking to his ears. I wonder if my voice was as from mosquito, buzzing around his head.
It was still quiet, no answer. Finally, I asked the help from kangaroo.
Mark Barret did not keep his promise. He did not behave as the honest businessman.
We all want to earn money, but ways are different how to keep your customers happy.
The end was the great lesson for me. Thanks to PayPal and kangaroo I got my money back.
Are There More Victims?
When I checked for ways how to reach these particular people and ask them nicely for the refund, I found one voice in the desert, asking for the answer in the same way as me.
I am sorry for this human being. I hope that he ended with this money back as me. Who knows?
Cudos to PayPal
When I asked for the refund through Facebook, emails, and Youtube and I did not get any answer, except one email where Mark Barett promised to return the money, the PayPal was the best way to clear things up. I called them, explained the situation and next day I got a letter that I will get money back. I always had with them the great experience, but this time, I was delighted and excited. What a great journey!
I learned many things.
We can reach everything if we put our minds towards it.
If there are no information about particular person or company on the Internet, we need to have written policy about products, returns, and exchanges.
Wrong decisions make you smarter and more researchful.
The hope disappears last.
We need to be brave and ask questions if we need it.
If company or business owner has real value, no rush to buy the product or service right away. Good things are and will be around.
Real and transparent companies have the information available for everybody. Their contacts are on the home page. I know one example as the owner of U-Haul company answers the phone by himself and clears things right away.
Thanks to this journey, I found the successful company, when I researched about eMobile Code. I f you would like to check it out, here is the link.
I like your use of images and screenshots. The content is very helpful. I wonder if the length might be a deterrent to others in reading further and obtaining the full value of what you are trying to say. I know that I ended up scrolling downward to find out how much longer that I needed to read.
I would be interested in your thoughts?
Hello Miles, I can agree with that this particular content is more interesting to me as the story with happy ending. At the same time, the storyis about how I find Wealthy Affiliate. It is lot what to read because there are over 2000 words. Maybe I will write shorten version of it. Usually if I read in websites, I scroll down to see what it is on the end, later check the midle and return to the top. I guess that seaching habits are different for everybody. All the best, thanks for input. Nemira.
Wow, what a story you got here. Thank you for sharing this to us. With this many people would avoid those scam couple.
How shameful. They have put their names in a slump just to make some money from people. Ugh! Disgusting!
I have left some comments in his youtube vids to warn other people about him. 😀
Hello, thanks for the comment. What bothers me in this story, that people want to be rich fast at any price. Nothing wrong with the wish to be a wealthy, but is better, to be the honest, and thoughtful person. I spent few weeks reaching him, using ways what I knew. This Emobile Code was the real scam.
Anyway, I am glad what I found WealthyAffiliate. If not this guy from Australia, I guess, I never would know about such great and legit company.
All the best, Nemira.
Hi, Nemira!
I really enjoy reading your article, there’re so much time and experience you had put it on. I felt really identified because I failed so many times with the business online and also I made really bad decisions until now that I’m working and focus on a specific project.
Thanks for share your experience to motivate people like me.
Hello Alfred, thanks for input and visiting website. Previously I doubted if I need to expose this information. When I read at one forum that somebody asks the refund from him too, I thought may I am not only one who was fooled.
The important thing is that you know what you want. All the best to you with the project. Cheers, Nemira.
I wish I could say your story is unique but everyday people are falling for nonsense like this. But you learned a valuable lesson about always doing your research. Unfortunately many of us learn that after getting scammed. But it’s a must when dealing with any type of make money opportunity. You never want to be the guinea pig. If you can’t find any balanced information about the person or company then do even consider it. That said sometimes you have to go through these negative experiences to find your path. And clearly that’s what happened with you because eventually you discovered WA. So it all worked out in the end.
Hello Eddy, thanks for the input. It is strange when I think about this particular experience. I was excited when I got accepted to his “coaching “. Later on, I was excited when I tried to get my money back. For me, it was as a fun and delight of discovery what is going to be next, what kind of methods I can use to get my money back.
I like the quinea pigs. Of course, I understand what you had in mind. However, they are cute animals. In my native country, we call them sea pigs. Once I tried to put one in a big water bowl. She did not like it at all. I think it was the same with me when I realized how I was deep in the trouble.
In this story, I want to show that we do not need to panic and give up if something unpleasant happens. Always is and will be a way to turn things to a positive outcome.
In this case, I was lucky one. I got my money back, except transaction fee, when I subscribed to the bonus as the Emobile Code. What is most important, what I had a pleasure to meet many wonderful members from Wealthy Affiliate and have an opportunity to start the online business.
Hey there it’s Alexey. Thank you so much for the share (You did it very interesting with all those details and messages). I think that anyone who thinks about stepping out of the comfort zone, and being “different” that others will eventually go through a similar journey. I myself started with a local MLM company – to a “fake guru” product and now to a great great platform “Wealthy Affiliate”.
Hello Alexey, thanks for the comment, I appreciate it. I think if we do not stop looking for ways how to succeed, we will reach that we want. One thing that I know now, that I need to research everything diligently and with a sense of patience. For me, it was a great lesson, which ended in a good way. Besides it, I am more experienced and not so naive anymore.
All the best, Nemira.
Unfortunately, the Internet is full of scammers that just want to make some profit from the newbies dreaming on earn money online.
Now you see that pay straight away 1k to someone you don’t know was a big mistake.
Nowadays we have Google and we can make a search about anything we are thinking to purchase. I highly recommend it to everyone.
Just search for the name of the product + scam and the results will help.
If not scam results are found do the same with the words testimonial and review.
I give you a bonus also: scam, testimonial and review are words that you can add to your longtail keyword when promoting any affiliate product. When people make searches with them, they already look forward to buy the product.
Hello, thanks for comment and directions how to avoid scammers. Yes, you are right, the Internet is full of them, just I did not expect that family guy would do such things as offering fake programs or he would pretend that he can teach some valuable things.
I found Wealthy Affiliate when I typed Emobile Code and added scam. I got a lot results about this “artist” and his fake production.
I think that I wanted to learn about online business so much that I forgot the plain sense of checking things out before pushing button buy.
Again, thanks for input, all the best, Nemira.
Love this post! I so appreciate your sharing your experience including the screenshots. I imagine you can feel embarrassed for being taken in but you are sharing to help others avoid having that experience. I hope your post is helpful for others who are tempted. One of the great things about WA is we get a ton of coaching not just from Kyle and Carson but others in the community. And for a much more affordable price!
Hello Ilyssa, thanks for the comment and visiting my website. Yes, I was ashamed because I was as an easy catch in this guy net. I never heard about Wealthy Affiliate before. If I would know about such great opportunity, nobody in the world would force me to pay one penny for shiny programs as his.
Anyway, my journey ended successfully because I found the great community and affordable courses which give the ability to have a business online.
All the best, Nemira.
This is a great post, there are so many scams out there and so many people who just aren’t honest.
I personally have to do a lot of research before I’ll trust anyone, usually if they are asking me for a large amount of money without actually providing me with any value then I’m really not going to go for it.
Hi, thanks for the comment. I see that you are a smart fellow, not naive and trustworthy as I was before. Nowadays I check most of all things and that it is important, I do not rush making decisions.
All the best, take care, Nemira.
Thank you for sharing this story with us and I am glad you did eventually get your money back. That would have been a lot of money to throw away.
I have heard of many people being scammed in this way, and it is unforgivable. I wish there was some sort of police force on the world wide web that could stop this sort of corruption.
Hello Michel, thanks for the input, I appreciate it. When I wrote this article, I wanted to show how it is easy to be fooled. I think that it is in my nature to trust people. It is better to be as the fox and look better around. Predators are around. Many of them are them are just simple. They are not majestic as lions and tigers.People who want take an advantage of newbies, they are bullies. It is the same as to take the lunch money from the fourth grader in the school. Always opportunities show up, especially if we look for them. We need to be diligent and careful as this small animal fox.
All the best, Nemira.
That was a really interesting read from start to finish – I’m so glad you kept the messages you had between yourself and this guy. Unfortunately we ALL make mistakes when we first come online to find work – it’s the way of the internet world I’m afraid! You are not alone – it happened to me as well!
Hello Chris, this story seems for me so unreal now. This lesson works for me pretty well because I found Wealthy Affiliate and a great community. Without this family, I would be searching for new shiny programs. All the best, Nemira.
I am bewildered that someone like that would try to do that to you! unfortunately we live in a world where some people will do anything to make money, but we must become aware of it before it gets bad, just like you did. I once had someone try to scam me, but I ended up getting the refund as well. Thank god that paypal helped you get your refund lol. Good job on the site, keep up the good progress!
Hello, Jose, thanks for visiting website, I appreciate it. I learned from this story a lot. Previously I thought that everybody can get a fairy chance in online business. Unfortunately, there are wild West on the Internet. Without this family I would never think about myself as capable to take an action. Overall I liked this process. I thought about getting to Australia and finding this family. I understand that everybody wants earn money but in this case, the success is a temporary thing for this guy.
I think if our customers are not happy, we can not run successful business. It is better to have a loss but provide for our clientele the best service as possible. Anyway, everything ended perfectly. I found Wealthy Affiliate, got an experience about various things such as the gathering of information using different ways.
All the best, cheers, Nemira.