Happiness is a bunch of cheerfulness, contentment, euphoria, and ecstasy. How to find joy in your life? At first, you need to know what you want from your life. Being without goals, you will be as the ship without the captain, lost in the sea.
What Type Are You?
Some people want just peace for themselves, be happy here and now. They do not look at how to conquer new summits or the next moon. They content with these things and surroundings; what do they have now. I think that it is okay because everybody is different. It means that we do not stand higher as others. We are one if you look for a broader perspective. When we are different, we think in different ways; we want contrasting things in our lives.
Serve People in Various Styles
According to Earl Nightingale, the famous author, and speaker, sometimes people look far away for happiness as mines of diamonds. They climb to mountains, discover new countries, became wealthy but not happy. They are thirsty for this feeling, but they do not know how to find it. To locate the happiness, you need to know what you want from life, what makes you content at this moment. Serving people in various ways will make you happy. Did happened for you to think, why wealthiest people of the world such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett give away almost all fortunes to charities and programs, which help people.
Serving for People Makes You Happy
Serving other people, you will find happiness in your life. It does not matter if you are rich or poor. Everybody can give others as much as they can. Volunteering, helping with advice, giving away to trustable charity is a big help to fellow humans. It does not matter if you give a smile to others or create thousands of jobs; you will make others happy. Everything that you give away will go back to you in various forms.
Helping Human Beings, You Help Himself
We are social beings. Adding as much as we can to help fellow humans, to make more comfortable other people’s lives, will make you happy. I do not think that remembering how much wealth you accumulate through your life will make your content. These things as money are temporary. They can be here and disappear. Values, such as responsibility, non-violence, love, morality, and humility, and they’re so much more are of them, keep our lives intact. Living according to them, you will find happiness in your life.
You have it right there – serving others can assist in bringing you happiness. Some say serve yourself by serving others first. It creates some kind of feedback loop that lifts up your spirit.
Like one of my favourite songs by Canadian Band Our Lady Peace “Happiness Is Not A Fish That You Can Catch”. It is something that requires work and decision.
Hello here, thanks for visiting my website and finding useful information.I think understanding of happiness is different for everybody. Anyway, serving to others, makes us to feel connected and needed.Human beings are social and they want to be heard and seen. Making others feel respected and valuable, we get these gifts back to us. We feel content when we give something to others, it is inside us. Let’s do not wait from outside, that something or somebody would make us happy. Sometimes, when we are in bad mood, is better to keep it for ourselves, put smile on and move on. Life will give for us back, what we put out. It is as mirror. Be happy now.
All the best, Nemira.
Hi Nemira,
This post has set me back thinking, am I happy now? What are my goals in life and what am I doing now to achieve them?
And I agree with you that making oneself serving his/her loved ones or the society will make one’s life more meaningful and happiness will follow in different forms.
Thank you for sharing this post on how to find happiness in life. Wishing you happiness too!
Hello Edmund, thanks for input. Yes, happiness is inside us. Nobody can make us happy, maybe just for one day or little bit longer. It is the same as waiting for journey or Birthday. You know that something exciting going to be, but when this day came and gone, we could be empty shelled. I think that something is inside as such as sacred place, where our happiness came out. It is strange, but I read about our heart, that she is main source which can generate our state as contentment or happiness. She knows best that is good for us.
All the best to you, let’s be happy and make others happy serving them.
Nice post. I don’t think the art of being happy is taught enough anywhere. It’s almost like it’s reserved for those teaching meditation and other such things. Which is really strange. I mean, isn’t the whole point and purpose of life to ultimately be happy? We’re taught to chase after this and that, but rarely does anyone show us the way to true happiness within ourselves instead of chasing it with external pursuits. Thanks for sharing this with the world.
Hello Darren, I am glad that you found this article helpful. There are various ways how people understand happiness. One of the ways beside serving for other human beings, the happiness can be found when we are in the balance with ourselves. Somehow when we achieve this state we can feel peace and contentment everywhere. I know many people who are from West view poor but they are happy. I wonder if you found your happiness? If not, I wish that you could achieve this state of happiness in your life. Cheers, all the best, Nemira.