Harmony is with you, always. Balance makes your life comfortable, pleasant. You live in accord with the universe and people who are around you. Anyway, to reach this state of being in life, you suppose to act and behave in certain situations in a particular way. This way helps you to avoid asymmetry and disappointment. There are situations where you can prevent severe consequences and disturbance of harmony.
Avoid Boring and Negative People
Do not spend time with people who are unpleasant and annoying. Try not to attract their attention. If they did something right, anyway, it is best to avoid communication with them. Human beings as alcoholics, drug addicts are people of low self-worth. They will drain your energy.
Choose Quiet Places
When you spend time in places, such as concerts, plays, stadiums, where people gather in large quantities, make sure what distance from your spine would be at least 3-4 inches or 10-15 centimeters. Along the spine is the axis of subtle energy. It is sensitive to other subtle energies, which can make an adverse impact on us. For protection, we can use oils of eucalyptus, rosemary.
Choose Best Available Food
Do not eat food, which was prepared by ill or unhappy people. It does not matter how hungry yo the balance in your body.
Have Your Special Place
A private room or corner is mandatory. We need to have our own space. Nobody can visit it without permission.
We need to be careful with things which founded. How can you know about their hosts and owners? They can be full of wrong information. Stones are vampires naturally. You are not strong emotionally; they can disturb your peace.
Gifts from foes or unpleasant people are worthless. Why? They can weaken your energy. Harmony can leave you. It is best to accept donations, which are close to your heart.
Avoid Unhealthy Things
Take care of your health. When you are physically fit, the energy and harmony accumulate in your life.
Do not wear clothes which are not yours. Do not let use personal belongings to anybody who has intentions to borrow or just to see how it fits them.
Choose Positivity in Your Life
Diplomacy, politeness, flexibility is your keys to harmony and balance in life. Learn how to forgive. It ‘s nice to know that revenge weakens and creates unhappiness. It is not going to work for you. Why? You will waste your precious life resources for people who just irritate you.
If you want, the best revenge is the smile and your happy life, your achievements for yourself, your family and what is most important, for the whole of humanity.
Smile more. When you learn to enjoy every minute of life, all the new world will open before you. Love yourself and others. When you smile, the whole world smiles back at you. Maybe you will not notice at first, but you will see how people start to notice you, all live beings will turn to you. You breathe better; it is easier to complete tasks with the proper attitude.
Hi Nemira, reading this article, I think it all is about positive vibes in and between people. This is a concept that I fully understand and support. There is one thing that puzzles me though. How can food prepared by people with different vibes influence your energy? I mean that somebody with bad vibes still can be a good cook, use the right and fresh ingredients etc. Cheers, Jerry
Hi Jerry, thanks for visiting and comment. I had in mind that eat food which is prepared by mean people, is not so pleasant as being in a nice company. Think about complains through dinner or compare enjoying food with your friends or grateful family. When we relaxed, our bodies can function well. When we worry, irritated or anxious, our stomaches contract thanks to signals from brain. It happens, because we ready to fight, run or take charge when somebody or something irritates us. These habits are from our ancestors,when everything was about survival.
All the best, cheers, Nemira.
I have become quite associal since a long time.
But it may be the best thing that happened to me. I found myself and what i really want to do, i learned to survive on my own and i found my special place inside my mind.
It really is important to find yourself and look after yourself if you wantg to find inner peace. Listen to yourself, meditate, spend some time on your own, go crazy and follow your dreams!!
Hello Tyler, thanks for input. Maybe you are an introvert, just never paid an attention to it. I think that you reached a lot if you can live with yourself peacefully and be friends. I do not joke. A lot people are disturbed all time, they can not be quiet, they want to communicate with somebody instead calming themselves with meditation or just simple contemplation.Usually people like to follow crowd and they do not think that they can reach a lot more in their lives exploring themselves from inside out.
Being crazy is not a bad thing. Most important that we do not harm others.
Thanks for comment, all the best, Nemira.
We are all too stressed out.
In the western world we have access to some of the best medical practitioners in the world but we are not living longer than some third world cultures and your post really explains the reason why.
When we are not mentally, physically and emotionally in sync we become dis-eased and one of the best ways to find that balance is to live a harmonious life.
Your post could prove to be a valuable tool for those people looking to centre themselves and live a life of fulfilment.
Hello here. Thanks for input. I think that nowadays, when we rush and mostly of all time it happens without serious reasons, we need to stop and just look around. Wise man told that fun is in the journey, not in the destination. Unfortunately, a lot human beings copy others and are not conscious about their own uniqueness.
It takes some serious problem or some big event in our lives, that we would stop and think about why we are here, what kind of purpose we live our lives. Rethinking and contemplating directions and goals could keep us n the tack. Finding own purpose it s not so easy, but it is a fun.
All the best, take care, Nemira.
Well, I certainly need this post, Nemira. Recently I have been quite stressed and harmony is something I need to remind myself on.
About avoiding negative people. While I know it’d be great to be around more positive and driven people, sometimes it’s very hard when your family members are negative and you still want to spend time with them, and help them out. I guess it’s a harmony one has to balance between self-care and caring for others.
What do you think on this subject?
Hello Anh, I know and understand what you have in mind when you talk about family members. Most of them they want for us best in lives. Unfortunately, their and ours goals are different. It does not matter that the same blood flows in veins. We all are unique. Family members try to interfere and protect us from disappointment and loss. Especially if we take the creative path or we want to be entrepreneurs. I think that is the best way to be thankful and be forgiving. Politely removing ourselves from confrontation, gives a possibility to do our job and be in peace with family.
We do not need to explain ourselves. Of course, it is best to live in a different place or at least, to have a separate space where we can work on our business. Having time for ourselves is a crucial thing. We need to take time for recovering from heaviness of learning and working. Meditation is an excellent tool, which gives us harmony and balance in our lives.
All the best, Nemira.