Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find; knock,
and it will be opened to you
Listen to Wise Words
These timeless words from Matthew 7:7 show us the truth, which is possible to understand for everybody. Sometimes people forgot wise words and wondered why nothing changes in their lives. It is the same as if we are thirsty; we need to fill up a glass with water. Nobody will bring it for us if we can take care of ourselves. Food and shelter are familiar things, but if we want to advance our career, have the best health possible, have significant relationships in the family or with neighbors, we must show our willingness and take action.
Be Courageous, and Ask
What do you think is better: to be a fool for a few minutes and after the answer to know how to deal with your problems or lead your life living in the dark and making suggestions. Many shy people are afraid of authorities or prominent personalities. Of course, it depends on which country do you live in. I guess there are some not so comfortable situations where freedom of speech is forbidden. Anyway, the Internet is mostly everywhere. You can type your question in Google, and the answer will show up within a few seconds. Nobody can guaranty that this particular solution is best. It is excellent to check information from a few sources. Wikipedia is a trustable website because people who write articles are volunteers and experts of described fields.
Discover Answers
Anyway, trying to get answers from the person, books, references, or the Internet gives you the ability to know yourself. Information, which you acquire makes you feel relaxed and trusting in yourself. This feeling leads to more significant discoveries. Your curiosity grows, new possibilities show up. It happens in this way because you do not stand in one place. You move forward, expanding your horizons. It starts with a simple question.
We used to give answers and respond to questions when we were children. When we are adults, the routine can make our lives dull. Using our brains to explore the world, looking for answers on how to improve our lives, and helping fellow human beings allows us to see everything from a different angle.
Be Open to Answers
Sometimes we ask, looking for approval. We know what something can be wrong, but to please our inner voice, we need assurance that everything is okay. It is okay for us, but we can hear or see the different sides of the story after giving questions. We can be disappointed, confused, or overwhelmed with discovered information. It can change our world, which could be the fruit of our phantasy, suggestions, and imagination. I think it is okay if the answers do not please us. Anyway, we know reality or how this or the next situation is now—everything changes. The people, weather, opinions, science move forward. What was right yesterday, for one, nowadays are the questionable and old style to others.
It would be great that people could be flexible, open to new findings, other people’s opinions, and worldview. We can reach it, always exploring, asking, and adapting knowledge to our lives.
However, fundamental values as respect for each other, not harming, compassion, and love are timeless. I guess nobody will ask why do we need them.
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