You ask various people what the wealth is, you will get different answers. The art of finding wealth is not complicated, just everybody perceives it disparately, in a different fashion. One man could be rich with a few dollars in his pockets. Some of them as personalities, described in FORBES, count their fortunes from millions to billions. Everybody can create their wealth; just you need to make mind to it.
Opt For Your Interest
How about you? What would you like to have? The best is to start from the area of interest. Here you would reach the best results. Why? Because you were excited about it. Your hobbies, enthusiasm, passion push you ahead and make you feel good.
Think about it. How many people spend long hours in dull jobs. How about the ability to work anywhere from your computer? You do not need significant investment. An Internet connection and a laptop would be the primary tools to start your own business. Can you imagine yourself sitting in a comfortable chair, under an umbrella, and writing blogs, articles, and pages? If you were tired, just walk by the ocean or river. After the break, you back to your business. Sounds exciting?
What opportunities Knock at Your Doors
This described model is one of the multiple versions, how and where you can earn your money and follow your passion. Of course, you need to get knowledge of it. If you never used the computer, no worries. Libraries offer free classes for it. Later on, you can start creating your website and write content.
You would ask, so what? Millions of websites created and will be popping out as popcorn every day. The importance is how you are ready to navigate in the jungles of the Internet. One of the training sites with the great community will prepare you for the journey towards achieving your goals. Here you could be gratified with a relatively modest income, or if you work as a professional in your area, you can earn a substantial profit. The sky is the limit.
Do You Want to Be Worry-Free?
Somebody would ask what it is? I talk here about affiliate marketing to those who want to be from worries about the next paycheck. Here, in this company, nothing delivered on the plate as ready to swallow and feel good. You need to work, regularly be involved in the learning, absorbing new knowledge. Some people see results after a few weeks. For other members, it takes the year and more to reach goals. It depends on how much time you will spend working on your website.
Preparation Meets Opportunity
As everywhere, human beings who accomplished more in their lives, are paid regarding their achievements. I like to cite Earl Nightingale. A janitor is a worthy person as the brain surgeon, but the time spent to learn what they do is different. The brain surgeon took twenty years to reach perfection in his profession. To be a janitor, it takes a few hours to learn. Besides it, a janitor is easily replaceable.
It is the same with my mentioned company. Some people would like to see the money. The answer would be to register for free for the whole week with access to community, lessons, classrooms, live chat, and webinars. You can explore all content for free. Did I mention that you can create a website for free just through a few seconds?
Dream Big but Take an Action
If you dream of being one of the guys who rub elbows with hedge managers, Silicon Valley giants, you need to go for it. Immerse yourself in the searching about your role models, try to meet them through conferences and social media.
Did you hear about Adam Carolla? He grew up on welfare and food stamps, according to the FORBES. His parents divorced and were without jobs. He dropped out of junior college at 19. After it, his career was digging ditches. He got $7 an hour, worked 60 hours a pro week, till saved for old Mazda from his $267 earning pro week after taxes. In 1986, he saw a man in the Hollywood Hills, which was friendly to him. They talked about comedies. Do you imagine that this guy turned out to be Jay Leno.? Their conversation turned to a long friendship.
Work Towards It
If you read magazines like FORBES, MONEY, FORTUNE, and books that expand your horizons, you will meet people who inspire you. Who knows, maybe you will be the next inventor or investor between personalities, described in FORBES Life.
Here mentioned things are a few ways to prepare for a better life. Think about yourself. What would you like to change? If you know, work. You will get it because thoughts are things. The art of creating wealth is not complicated. We just need to know what we want to achieve.
Great inspirational read! That got me anxious to start spending more time on my own personal projects. I loved the story about Adam Carolla, I had no idea he came from the bottom practically and that’s how he got noticed and made it big time. This is a great reminder that we are all capable of success and it can come from many different places.
Hello Matt, thank you for input. Yes, people become wealthy despite ages and races. They can be short, bold, young , beautiful or plain. One thing they have in common. They have goals and they follow them. Sometimes stories sound as from fairy tales, but it is true. People know what they want and they reach for it. It is real art to finding wealth in a smallest opportunities, but it happens.
All the best, cheers, Nemira.
Hi Nemira. Great website! Full of really interesting and insightful information that I can learn from. I like the pleasing aesthetic of your site and have fun navigating around your various blogs and articles. I like the idea of turning my future website into a business and work from anywhere! I am a flight attendant and travel so much, but would like to build my website along the way, during my travels! Thanks for all the research and info!
Hello Kim, how are you? Thanks for input and ability to know who visits my site. I think that your job is an exciting one. You can provide in your website a lot valuable advices regarding traveling, interacting with people from whole world. I wish that I could travel more. The purpose of my website is to spread message about ways how to be wealthy working anywhere. Wealthy Affiliate is a company, which lets us to reach our goals and complete our dreams.
I wish that your dreams would come true. I know that it will be in this way. With your expertise and experience from Wealthy Affiliate you will have your future in a way, as you wish. All the best, happy writing and good luck with your website, Nemira.
I agree with you that wealth is out there with your name on it and all a person needs to do is find the map to the money.
I like your reference to Wealthy Affiliate University as I am a member there and can say that the roadmaps there are all easy to follow and they all lead to success.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Hello Shawn, thanks for input and visiting this particular website. I think that we need some guidance if we want to progress. Choosing right mentors or companies where we can get valuable information is a big thing. What do I mean? It saves time and energy for us.
I am glad to hear from Wealthy Affiliate member. The feedback, especially good one is a remarkable asset choosing right direction and ways how to achieve our goals.
I think following your passion is the fastest way to becoming wealthy because when you do something based on your passion it helps you stay motivated. Motivation is very important when you are involved in an online business because business is a business and it requires a lot of efforts and time. You are right when you say that opportunities are countless and anyone can find a product based on their passion. And I agree that without taking action nothing will change. I see many people buying tons of books, watching tons of training videos but not taking any action. Action is what makes you wealthy, not passion alone.
Hello Rufat, thanks for input. Before Wealthy Affiliate I looked for fast option how to became rich. Unfortunately, these shiny objects were just an illusion, which disappeared as fog in the morning.Now I understand that before getting something, we need to give something. It takes time, energy and preparation, but it is worth. It is great when people can find websites useful and worth to read and learn something new.
Constantly working on our goals, it moves us toward our destination. With perseverance and diligence, we can reach everything what we dream about.
All the best, Nemira.
Hi Nemira
You would be surprised to see all the opportunities of creating wealth while walking down the street. There are thousands of problems that need solving and if you can position yourself as problem solver then you will always make money.
We just need to train our minds to see these opportunities and then to act upon it.
Hello Viljoen. I think that you are right. If we would cultivate our minds as we cultivate our gardens , we can discover a lot new opportunities around us. Usually we walk with blinds on eyes as horses which are afraid of cars. We need to be open to our surroundings and we will see as you told new ways how to help people. Helping them, we can help ourselves improving our services.
Yes, your comment is straight to the point. Thank you, all the best to you, Nemira.
Hey Nemira,
I cannot emphasize more on taking action, to me I think that’s the most important part of success at all. Its no use planning and planning and planning but no taking action at all because those results do not come by itself.
I once was like that, I wanted to make sure everything was perfect before going into the battlefield but later afterwards did I learn that nothing is perfect and the best kind of lesson to learn is the lesson you learn by trying. Loving your article, cheers!
Hello Riaz, thanks for commenting on this particular article. You are right, that it is not easy to see where is your happiness and fulfillment, but taking actions and looking for it, we can reach any level what we want.
I like saying from Earl Nightingale about that we need to look and search diligently, with consistent revise of our goals. It takes time and dedication, but we can go here, if we make our mind up to.
All the best, take care, Nemira.
Highly inspirational read, Nemira. There is a fire in your lyric. The only suggestion that I have to offer you: write more. This may take your posts to the next level.
Best Wishes
Hello Rahul, thanks for your input and comment, I really appreciate it. I will have in mind what you wanted to tell me.
All the best, Nemira.
Hi there Nemira,
For a long time, I associated wealth with money. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon so I work hard all my life just so I can earn more and enjoy the things that other people do.
But in the midst of that, the state of my life became much worse than I expected. I was stressful all the time, buying things that I don’t really need and not making use of my money to do proper investment.
Ever since I discovered Wealthy Affiliate, I realized what it means to earn a wealthy life. I have now shifted my focus and resources to building a sustainable online business so that I can have a better quality life instead of thinking about money all the time.
Hello Cathy, you are right, that money do not bring happiness, if we constantly think about how to be rich. The money become master. We can be slaves.
When we shift our focus towards helping and serving our visitors and customers, money will show up as reward sooner or later. Especially if we have a passion and we share it with other people, we can be fulfilled in various ways.
Wealthy Affiliate show ways how to accomplish goals through help to other people. I am glad that you found your calling and I wish for you all the best in your journey.
Who doesn’t want to find wealth! Your site will be visited by many and hopefully helps many people in achieving their financial goals! I would suggest you do some work on your theme to make your site more exciting. All the best with your site! Great niche find by the way!
Hello Blake, thanks for the comment. I appreciate it. This theme is wide because it covers few topics as freedom of the mind, the body, and lifestyle. I will add more ideas about how to find ways to be free and do what everybody wants to do.
I really enjoy what you share on wealth. I like your answer to the “do you want to be worry free” question. It’s true that building a business online is not what one thinks to be an easy way to earn. While it does not require physical labour, you need to dedicate time and energy into making your goals a reality.
As the old adage goes, nothing good comes easy.
Thanks for sharing!
Hello Anh, thanks for visiting my website and leaving here a comment. Yes, the wealth has a lot of meanings. People can have different understandings of it. They can choose different ways to acquire wealth, distribute it and use it in various ways.
We are all one and in the same way, people have different dreams, goals and capabilities to achieve these results. I think that we need to think that is the best for us and to follow our passion, not the passion from others.
Cheers, Nemira.
Opt for your interest. That is a point and a half right there! Money is not wealth if you do not enjoy making it. That is where you get a choice online. It’s a luxury one might not necessarily get in the outside world. In the outside world, you might not be able to find a job in your field of interest. Online, you can create something within your interest.
This brings me to my favourite area: Opportunity! I always tell people to always have an eye out for opportunities. Don’t see things as they are, see they as how they could be. Potential over currency!
Hello, Medu. I think that money is really important in our lives just we do not need to fix on them. If we think just about money we loose the joy of life. We can not relax. Money become a master, not a servant for us.
Biggest treasure is inside us. Nobody who went in heaven, was not happy that spent all time in the life making money. The balance must be everywhere.
Regards, Nemira.
Hi Nemira
What an excellent opportunity!
The story about Adam Carolla is quite inspiring. Usually people think that someone who is rich had it better than them or had it easy growing up but in a lot of cases this isn’t true. Sometimes when we are in a DITCH we are inspired to get out! Some of us settle and make the best of it inside the ditch but those who are prepared to SCRAPE and GRAZE knees and elbows will be rewarded when they climb to the top and reach financial freedom… but don’t forget to help others along the way cause it isn’t going to be fun when you all alone at the top 🙂
This is exactly the opportunity you are offering here, to get out of the ditch which is fantastic. Wish you all the best Nemira!
Kind regards,
Hello, Kamil. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it. I like your description of situation when somebody reaches bottom and decides that there are no other way how to reach for the top as working on his or her skills and moving forward.
We need inspiring stories, we need mentors and great books there we can find strength and hope. Without it, we would stay in the same place or in the same level of our development. It does not matter if it is a health, wealth or personal improvement.
Yes, you are right about helping and serving others. It is our mission in this life.
All the best, Nemira.