The website,, is dedicated to people who want find freedom in various ways.
The freedom of the mind, health, and financial stability needed to live balanced and joyful lives.
If the person lacks one of the freedoms, people will be not content with their lives. Without health, we can not enjoy our money. Without financial freedom, our possibilities to do what we want are limited.
Without a clear and disciplined mind, we miss opportunities and waste time. People who do not have clear and disciplined mind do not focus on their futures.
Blogs and pages offer information and insights that give visitors an idea of how to find their own path to freedom.
Having good health is definitely the number one pillar. Can’t really do much of anything without first having good health. Financial freedom is something I’ve always been attracted to and have been trying to achieve in my life. You sound like you have your priorities right with what you’re trying to achieve with you website. I wish you much success.
Hello Darren, thanks for the input. I appreciate it. My goal with this website is to show ways how to choose the own lifestyle. Sometimes we have restrictions. They are in our minds.I want in my blogs to give a spark, that people would start to think about various options how to change their lives for good if they want to do it.
All the best, cheers, Nemira.
Hello Nemira
I was born and raised in the countryside and worked for many years on the land.
This being so I had access to natures bounty in all its form and always considered myself fit and healthy.
I hardly ever attened a doctor and it was only after I moved into a town that doctor visits became more frequent.
Why was this?
I believe it was because people who live and work in a town or big city do not take the time to live a life of fitness and health and do not eat properly.
I eventually set up my own fitness and healthy eating program based on my earlier life I find I don’t need to go to the doctor as often.
Lessons learned when I was growing up and working on the land are now serving me well again today.
Have a great day Nemira and be fit and healthy. You know it makes sense.
Robert Allan
Hello Alan, yes, you are right because when we lose a touch with nature, we are out of balance. The noise, pollution, lack of communication between people does not make any good for our bodies and souls. I think it is better o spend free time walking in the park or volunteering compare with the laying on the couch in the therapist office.People lost contact with nature and at the same time, they lost with themselves. They listen for opinions on TV. People do not think. They follow the crowd. We hear on the news that one or another celebrity went to heaven. These people had all opportunities to take care of themselves, they are wealthy.I think that we need to think about what is really important for us and how to find a balance between wealth, serving other people and finding own’s life purpose.
All the best, take care, Nemira.
The lifestyle provided through a successful online business is definitely a dream for many individuals, but it is achievable. The advantages of it are quite attractive as well, including the freedom to choose the projects you want to pursue, working when/where you want, and ultimately being financial secure and mentally fulfilled.
Hi, Mathew Thomas, thanks for comment. I guess that you look for opportunities to do business online. Being responsible for actions and effort given to evolve business is a big responsibility. We are bosses for ourselves. We can plan time, finances, speed.It is doable, but the person who want to be successful must be patient and brave to try new things. Failures and mistakes happen. it is a part of life. If we will be persistent and we will know what we want , we will achieve our goals.
All the best, cheers, Nemira.
Love the website, very good information on how to get started with work from home opportunities.
You have several ideas, so I was reading all of them.
Thanks, for this great information
Hello, Mike, thanks for the comment, I appreciate it. I think that the Internet is the greatest invention since the wheel. Nowadays people have many opportunities to run the business online, especially if they know about Wealthy Affiliate. Using Wealthy Affiliate as the tool to learn about website creation and navigation of it, we can run the successful business because we equipped wth knowledge and experience from fellow members. All the best, cheers, Nemira.