Having the right mindset
Do you want to be a millionaire? Without a doubt, you want to be one of the millions of productive people in the world. At first, ask yourself this question. Do you have a mindset of the millionaire? Are you afraid of risks? Do you want to change your lifestyle and be responsible for your actions? If you not born in the family, where your ancestors work the way hard to straighten road to the prosperity, chances that you will win the lottery are pretty slim. Overall, people who won, they can not be proud of themselves. They are not happy because big money made turmoil in their lives. They did not know how to deal with the money when a winning happened so unexpectedly.
Use your mind’s full potential.
Starting from knowing how to cook a meal or how to survive in this world, full of possibilities, discoveries, and traps, you need to armed with knowledge. What do I mean, traps? When you think in a wrong way, or you follow advice, which is at least naive, you will go nowhere. In the best way, you will be in the same spot, from where you started. Many people follow advice from their neighbors or friends. They usually rotate in the same circle. Of course, if your friends are people who reached in life more compare with you, they can be an example for you.
Focusing on the best things
It is the saying that the eagles fly only with eagles. Chicken is excellent in the company of chickens. I do not have anything against all birds. Here is an allegory, a comparison of how alike attracts alike. In other words, if you reach for the stars, you will be at the peak of the mountain, at least. The air is fresh. The competition is weak. You can see clearer next goals, where you would like to go.
Anyway, if you look at how to climb from all uncomfortable situations, you could start using these steps toward your financial goals.
1. Know the fundamentals of money. Be armed with knowledge, how to save money. When you were the child, how much did you know about the money? We do not have basics in school about money, how to invest, how to save. People listen to the radio or TV about discounts and sales. People consume most of all the time. They do not think about the future. It is better to read magazines such as Forbes, Fortune, Money. Everything would start with small things.
2. Learn about compound interest. Here in the USA, it is a beautiful thing to know how you can generate income just starting from one thousand dollars when somebody is born. It is known that is you invest one thousand dollars, with 8-9 %, when your child is born, at this time when he or she retires, in their account will be one million dollars.
3. Do you know how do you spend your money? It is advisable to pay less as much as possible. You need to live below your means. You will buy plenty of things when you have a constant cash flow. I can hear what you want to live now, not wait until you are old or tired from continuous worries about how to save. Everywhere you need to work. Not just work hard, but to use your mind too. Earl Nightingale said that we all have gold mines insides us. It is our brain, which not used as supposed to be by the principal of the people.
4. You need to believe in gradable enhancement. You need to improve yourself continually. If you finished school or college or you have a master’s degree, it is not enough. Nothing stays still. Every time something is invented or discovered. When you visit ahead of others, your chances to catch the right opportunity are a hundred times bigger compare with others.
5. Your health is the most valuable asset. All money in the world can not buy health when something goes in the wrong way. You need to take good care of yourself, at first that latter you would be not worried about ruining your future with some habits such as smoking, lying on the couch, or regularly eating junk food.
6. Investing wisely in the assets such as houses, the land, the gold or silver, can be your rock in the difficult times. Anyway, you need to work diligently, following the advice of experts, using your mind and intuition.
7. Following the above-described steps, working hard on it, knowing what everything will pay off, you will reach what you were looking for. Nobody can give your 100% guarantee what everything will go smoothly. There always will be ups and downs. But you will be proud of yourself what you did the best what you can.
Work consistently and reach your dreams.
Overall, everybody is excited when he or she thinks about the freedom to do what they want and how they want to lead their lives. Unfortunately, it is just a phantasy, if you expected to behave and follow these steps only for few months. It takes time, perseverance, belief in yourself, constant education, and focusing on your goals. You need to invest in yourself wisely.
Sometimes you can lose faith in yourself. What to do? Take a break, meet great friends, get for short vacations. You do not need to go to the Bahamas. Changing surroundings from the room to the library, going to the park or the beach, it can restore your view of the unpleasant things. Everybody has ups and downs.
Look for Inspiration
Read books of leaders, such as Timothy Ferris, Earl Nightingale, Robin Sharma, or Anthony Robbins, Tony Robbins. You will find virtual friends in places where you did not expect.
Following the advice of the people, who already reached heights in their lives, you can make your path, which will be without doubts and worries.
Hi my name is John from nutritional needs for kids. That aside, you have some excellent information. I really do like your content. Like I said other than that it’s a beautiful sight excellent work and good luck in the future. Thanks for providing this information, because it is never to late to learn something new.
Hello John, thanks for visiting my website, I really appreciate it. All the best to you, cheers, Nemira.
Hi Nemira, awesome start to you site. Above all else, I enjoyed you motivational tools. I find that exercise helps me and I don’t even like to run. I find that I gain ideas and clear my mind when I hit the trails for a 10 km run. I never thought that running could be so productive. You make a point about putting for a great effort to succeed. Take care, Shawn
Hello Shawn, congratulations with finishing trails which are long, 10 km. I think I could walk this distance, running would be to much. Yes, everywhere we need put efforts for something, what we to reach. People , who reached their goals, had their strategies. Some of them you see her in this blog as strategies to be a millionaire. Our mind is a powerful and we need to focus on our goals, using techniques such as education, self-improvement, taking care of our health. Millionaires were the same human beings as us, but they had goals, a burning desire to succeed.
All the best, Nemira.
Hi Nemira, I checked out your website on the page Wealthy working anywhere. You’ve got a lot of good content . Also you might want to add visuals pictures of Freedom and Lifestyle to help people relate to your content that you write. Hope this helps? Have a blessed day!
Thank you Larry for input. All the best.
This is assuring to read the strategies to be a millionaire. I certainly want to be a multimillionaire so I can afford to do the things in life I want to do and support my friends and family with my money to help them raise up as well.
It is very had though to fight against all of the temptations of spending money in our consumer society.
I do not currently read any of those magazines you recommend so maybe I should just start with that and let the small things build up into something bigger.
Hello Marcel. I know that to reach a millionaire’s mindset is not easy. It does not come to you over night or it does not reaches you through everyday media. You need to be surrounded with mind liked people, who stream to the same direction as you. When you read books, magazines, which show how to overcome your fears, point out how to learn various strategies with investments, you plant in your mind images and thoughts which are associated with goals and dreams about prosperity and fulfillment. When you have a circle of friends and mentors who help you reach your goals, you will see that you lifted yourself from previous surroundings to next level. You need focus tour wanted goal consistently. Without it, you will be easily distracted as you told in your comment. I highly recommend Robin Sharma and Timothy Ferriss. They have so much positive energy and enormous amounts of knowledge how to move from dead point up.
All the best, Nemira.
This a very informative article. I really love your attitude within your writing. It is very positive and inspiring. You have a good tone in the article, that gives me hope and peace that i will see success as long as i keep pushing forward. Thanks for this, and i hope the best for you!
Hello Zach, of course you will succeed because you know what you want from life. It is most important thing. Without goals we float as leafs from trees on the water. I know it is not easy. There so many things which pull our attention and consume our time. The focus toward our goals must be constant and without interruptions. I hope that you would reach your dreams as soon as possible. All the best, Nemira.
Such a great post. You touch on so many important things that I don’t know where to start.
I think one of the most important one is the fact that you should surround yourself with people that also wants to succeed (or preferably that already has succeeded).
If you just hang around your old friends that do not want anything more than a job, house and live happily ever after you probably wont succeed.
Knowing the importance of money is a great one too. How many percent of your income to you save each month?
Hello, Marcus. I think that old friends are okay when if they grow in the directions as you do. Old friends can great support because they know your weakness and strong points. Sometimes we loose friends when our opinions differ. We have different goals.
The money is important for everybody when we need to pay services or vitally important things. I think that habit to save money is vital because we develop character. We become stronger as persons. I travel a lot. I save money when I look for best quality deals at the lowest price.
Regards, Nemira