Depiction of Success
In the Merriam -Webster Collegiate Dictionary, a description of success is 1. The circumstance of succeeding. 2. a: degree or measure of achieving b: favorable or desired outcome; also: the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence 3: one that succeeds. Famous people, such as Albert Schweitzer, explains that success, not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. It means that we can be the smash hit for ourselves when we do what we like. Yes, you understand, right. When we do what we want, we are walking on air. What is going on with our friend’s or competitors’ business does not bother us. We have to relax our minds and body.
What It Matters to You?
Nothing on this Earth stands still. Characters and habits of people change. Our close friends can be distant from us if they move to a different city or state. Our children or spouse can have a different understanding of situations in life. If we find what makes us happy, nobody can take it from us. Inner peace is most important because it brings contentment with ourselves. It balances us and leads to reaching our tasks or goals quickly.
Why Is Be Successful Good?
Do you remember when the first time you drove a bicycle? Some twists went to one or the other side. You were in control of the bike. Have you been proud of yourself? Of course, you were. Maybe bicycle for you was nothing, perhaps riding the young horse first time or approaching your love object was the more significant success. Anyway, every little step, learning, and experiencing new things adds value to our self-esteem. We know that we can go further. It gives us confidence in ourselves and lets us achieve future goals.
Ways to Improve Chances Towards Success
1.Hard, decent work.
Nobody will bring done deals to you or will show you right away how to be happy. People who are already successful in your desired area can be your mentors and beacons. Turn to them for help and advice. As Stephen King said: talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.
2. Following your passion and heart.
What do you like to do and what makes you happy? Turning your driving feelings and enthusiasm to reality takes time and constant effort, but we will be content with reached results by the end.
3. Spend all time and energy achieving your desired outcome.
Work toward your successful goals instead of playing video games, chatting on Facebook, messaging your friends, or watching TV. All these activities eat your precious time, which does not return. Unfortunately, time is limited for everybody of us.
How Far Away We Can Go?
It depends on what you find to be successful for yourself because we can achieve everything we put our minds to. It takes preparation and observation, commitment to follow our passions until our goals will be accomplished. And it is a success when we entirely give ourselves to work our best towards goals. People already reached the moon, flown to open spaces in the cosmos, created solar airplanes and flying machines. Everything is possible if we give ourselves a chance to do everything that makes us fulfilled and happy.
Very nice information and also very true information about what it takes to Succeed Online. Nice Job!
Hello Michael, thank you for visiting, regards, Nemira.
Nice site a lot of useful information.
Hi Amanda, thank you for input, all the best, Nemira.
Great words of wisdom. Best wishes for your success!
Thank you Wayne for visiting, all the best, cheers, Nemira.
Success is available isn’t it. And yes, I agree that all things are possible.
I like the clean crispness of your site.
Much success in reaching your goals!
Thank you Roslyn for visiting. Good luck, Nemira.
Personal success is something every person should look forward too, but sadly many just don’t believe in themselves enough to do so. It’s great that you’ve created an article of this kind