What is Nacometa?
According to creators, Nacometa is an online community that helps members to achieve financial success.
Nacometa.com website states that they have over 15 thousand members.
How to start?
You register using personal email, first and last name, date of birth, pointing citizenship, and creating a password.
I saw only countries from Europe when choosing citizenship. Why? You will see the reason later.
Time to spend some money
After registration, you need to buy a so-called certificate from the member. He or she invited you into the Nacometa community.
This certificate costs €75. Why do you need this certificate? It allows tracking records about payments and contains owners’ information and a quick response code(QR).
Besides, you can activate certificate in your community account.
Okay, what is next?
Yes, I was thinking the same because of the strange way of buying certificates to earn money.
There are more surprises. According to the Nacometa website, ” you will be asked to make donations to three community members for €45, €55, and €65, respectively.”
How do you transfer money?
Nacometa has a helping hand from the so-called technical operator ImRix. It is an online platform that hosts user data, provides personal analysis, and tracks orders and payments.
Is it free?
ImRix has few options how to pay for services. It would be:
€55 for the first 3 months
€1oo for the first 6 months
€160 for the first 12 months
How do you earn money at Nacometa?
The model is old and simple. You invite new members who buy certificates from you. More people you invite, the more money you will get.

All scheme is decorated with words that appeal to new days environment. These words are: helping each other, sharing, make donations, exchange certificates for money, resource sharing, and so on.
According to Nacometa, you can see in your personal account how many members you have in your team, their membership levels, the growth rate, and how much money do you earn.
You can see levels on Nacometa’s website when you invite a particular amount of member and share with them certificates:

Does it remind you of something familiar?
Yes, it the same pyramid scheme, close to the Ponzi scheme because of wealth building through new members. Without new people, you will not get any money. These so-called certificates do not have any worth. They create an illusion that you do something worthy and meaningful.
Unfortunately, these all steps in the Nacometa website are shiny objects that cover scams.
Think about it. You need to ask for money from people. It is not a crowdfunding page when you need to help somebody. You simply ask for money, fooling others, and pretending that they will be rich pretty soon.
Besides, you pay for ImRix when you can count your money by yourself.
Okay, let’s dig deeper about Nacometa
I want to see who are owners of this website. Usually, it is a company or the names of founders. Nacometa, in the section About Us, gives the foggy information:

The mighty Google does not provide any information, except details about the domain.
Usually, the information about domain longevity and server location helps to see a better picture.
According to WHOIS.com, the Nacometa.com domain was created on January 29, 2020. It is ten months old. It is a baby and does not have any credibility because of the short existence time.
Registrar is the Gandi SAS that is a French company.
The registrant country is the Czech Republic. A registrant is an entity or persona who registered a domain.
Is Nacometa a scam?
Nacometa.com‘s business model is similar to the Ponzi scheme covered with shiny words and promises. People who want to earn money need to invite new members and get their money to buy so-called certificates. These certificates do not have any worth except covering unlawful intentions to rip off members, especially those who just started.

The website’s iconographic lures people into a fantasy world where members would become rich.
You would ask why do I see a similarity to a Ponzi scheme? Members do not create and do not sell products. Members sell fiction wrapped in appealing sentences, such as the sharing economy. To get rich, you need to create an army of new members who will pay you money in the form of a so-called certificate.
In case if Nacometa.com disappears, the newest members will be left without anything. Nacometa.com promises you 10.000 earnings. Think about it. How many people do you need to invite and persuade to buy certificates?

There is no way at Nacometa.com to earn money successfully. Only one way is to fool others, promising them gold mines at 10-month young Nacometa website.
Nacometa owners are unknown. Nobody will return your money for certificates. There is no guarantee that you will have your own team that will buy meaningless certificates, and you will earn money from that. There are no other ways how to earn money at Nacometa.com.
Knowing how many people nowadays are desperate to earn money is not the best way to appeal to feelings and pretend that members’ actions will change their lives. Yes, it will make money for those who started this scheme, but not for ordinary humans. Pyramid and Ponzi schemes benefit only 1 or less %. It is an old model of how to trick people.
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