A few decades ago, the majority of humans lived in friendly environment. Not so many homes built near highways. The usage of mobile devices, computers was not so popular as it is nowadays. Water is not so clean as supposed to be because factories let go drugs to waterways. More as 100 types of medical products found in rivers and lakes. Traces of estrogens, heart medicine, antibiotics, depressants travel freely through pipes to drinking water.
Electric Exposure
People has exposure from electromagnetic fields ( EMFs). Environmental Protection Agency recognized EMFs as Class B carcinogen. It goes together in the same line with DDT, formaldehyde, dioxins. It is good to switch off all electric devices for the night and to give a body rest from constant radiation.
Chemical Exposure
Our synthetic clothes do not let breath skin properly and create the static field around us. We use many chemical ingredients in food, cleaning supplies. People did not have so many allergic situations, as it is now. Do you remember, that somewhere in countryside individuals would sneeze a lot, had running noses in the season of storing hay?
How to Lessen Exposure?
It is not an end of the world. We can protect ourselves. We informed what is in our food, about the quality of drinking water, that type of surroundings is of our house or apartment. To live close the airport or highways is risky. Noise and pollution give pressure for the immune system.
Wearing natural clothing as from cotton, wool, drinking filtered water or distilled water, isolating house from heavy noise or moving to the quiet area to have time to meditate, making food at home, buying from local farmers or organic products stores let our bodies have less impact in our busy lives. Not everybody as Sir Richard Branson can escape to the island, but paying attention, what surrounds us, is a good thing.
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Hello, thanks for input, regards, Nemira.
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Hi, thanks for visiting, regards.