The money is the tool to acquire things and services. Financial freedom lets us reach our goals and dreams. Financial freedom gives us the opportunity to help others.
How to Reach Financial Freedom?
Ways how to achieve financial freedom are various. It depends on what you want from the life. Many of people achieved their goals without the college degree. Actor Tom Hanks, Billy Gates did not finish college. They were the same guys as everybody just they knew what they wanted from the life.
The right information gives us the ability to choose the best way towards financial independence. If you were born in the ordinary family, you would lead the same life as your parents. It is nothing wrong with it. Anyway, if you do not have examples which would show you how to succeed in the life, you will spend time trying wrong ways towards financial freedom.
The Best Time
The best time to learn from mentors and people who are successful is now. It does not matter how old you are. It is always opportunities are looking for you. Of course, you need be prepare for it.
Choosing things which work is a great start to financial freedom. Some of the people would like to chase unknown opportunities. Of course, entrepreneurs do in this way, but they prepare themselves for losses and mistakes. They know that diligence and perseverance help avoid stressful situations.
Picking Right Resources
Mentors, books, magazines give the guidance and insight about the business world. It is a lot easier when we have a passion or hobby. We like that we do. The time flies fast.The tiredness does not feel like the heavy burden. If you do not have a hobby, think about the area where you could serve in the best way to people. Financial freedom comes through people, through customers. Without excellent service, we do not attract potential customers to our website or the mortar brick store.
The Paradise for Entrepreneurs
America always was a haven for entrepreneurs.Thanks to global Internet, people can do business anywhere, even on the beach. We not restricted to the office table. Billions of visitors search websites. They look for goodies, items, and services. What could you offer to them? Simple laptop and knowledge can do miracles. Here, in the USA, you can be an Amazon affiliate or an affiliate to Clickbank. There are plenty of companies who would pay you share of profit if you promote their products through the website.
If you read Timothy Ferris book The 4-Hour Workweek, you would be astonished how it is easy to reach financial freedom.
According to Earl Nightingale, “you can go into old-established business and just do it a little bit better in a more interesting way.”
Are you ready to take the life in your hands and make the best of it?
So true, I know so many people who say they want to be entrepreneurs.
I ask them when, and they say, oh maybe in a decade or so when I’ve built up enough industry experience, or when I have the capital.
Sure, there is some truth in that, but if you’re passionate about solving people’s problems they why not start NOW?
There are so many avenues nowadays to hone your entrepreneurial spirit!
Thanks for sharing that awesome message.
I know this feeling as procrastination and I know that it lead to nowhere. No results, no relaxation. We know that we can do better but laziness or bad habits pull us back. Knowing that is is a human thing and nothing is wrong about it, we can start from small steps and make progress one day at the time.
We can dream on the couch but nothing will bring the fortune on the tray. We must lift our buts and do something what helps others. In the same way,we will help ourselves because when we give back, the return is enormous in a emotional and material way.
Financial freedom lets us to do what want to do with our lives. However, at first we must learn how to be independent and help less fortunate. It takes time but it gives great pleasure when we know that we are worthy beings without bosses and rules.
Of course, there are some false teachers which tell you that after paying few hundred bucks you will be able earn thousands after few courses. I prefer to trust companies and mentors who are real deal. They are legitimate, with years of experience and positive feedback from customers. We can learn from mentors, books about financial freedom and ways how to reach it.
All the best, Nemira.
You highlighted a sentence that talked about serving people and I think that is the key. We get so wrapped up in making money that we forget to provide a great service. I really believe that you can have a great product and still be unsuccessful with it if you don’t serve people in the right way. A key to many of the successful businesses out there today is service. It is something that we really need to stay focused on. Thanks for the post!
Hello, Matthew. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate that. I think that something changed in people’s behavior nowadays. We think more about things. We forget that people are most important compare with material values. Without people, we can not receive payment for our information, products and service.
From one side is good if we look from perspective of competition. However, we can be best in the midst of circle where competition is harsh and constant. Customers feel when we treat them as priority. The money will show but after best service.
All the best, Nemira.
Hi Nemira,
Solid article on how to go about achieving financial freedom and what it takes to be an entrepreneur. I agree with you, that people should find what they are passionate about when looking to start a business.
It is never too late to start, I believe you just have to want it bad enough. I would be interested to know out of curiosity, what your magic number you would need to be financially independent?
Great post hope to hear from you soon!
Hello, Rardo. What is an interesting name! Sorry to disappoint you but I do not have magic number. I would be good with statistics which tell that people are happiest when they earn 75 thousands of dollars per year. If they earn more, they do not feel big difference. What I would like to help others who are mistaken, not fortunate enough to have good friends or mentors around. The money is just a servant. We are masters.
All the best in all your endeavors, Nemira