Discover own uniqueness in everywhere. Traits in character, view of world, habits, way of processing things, and performing are unique. There are yours, and just yours. Nobody can steal from you unless you decide to follow the crowd why we have celebrities and scientists, ordinary people, who came to the spotlight, performing something unusual. They had something that let them stand out from all bunch of individuals. They are doing in their way. Famous people are and will be celebrated all eternity. Why? They created music, performed, painted, and discovered. They used their uniqueness to improve life for all humanity.
Find Uniqueness for You
It does not matter who you are. Poor, rich, man, female, child, or senior, they all are unique in some way. Usually, people are too shy to discover their uniqueness. Maybe they do not believe in themselves. Somebody can be afraid of opinion, which came from friends, coworkers, or relatives, classmates. You do not need to point out your unique traits, but you must believe in yourself that you are worth being—no less. Discovering what makes you stand from the crowd, lets you improve yourself. You can always polish your skills, learn more about it.
Unique World is Best
When people stand out from the crowd, they follow their inner voices, which prompt a person to create, discover, improve, and build new lives for yourself and fellow human beings. Take a good look at yourself? What kind of unique traits do you have? Of course, you know it. Deep inside, you are a tiny voice. You can call it how you want. Where are you, okay? I am one hundred percent sure that you have one or a few unique traits. Let’s discover, improve, and polish it and make fro the crowd; your self-esteem grows up. You can serve human beings in various ways, making the world colorful and unique.
What an excellent message to share! I am always interested in hearing what other people’s stories are, and I have learned, like you have, that everyone has something that makes them different, but the fear of ridicule or not “fitting in” makes them afraid to explore and express themselves. It is an interesting phenomenon that I have noticed, that people are afraid of being their own person that they try so hard to fit it, yet idolize and prop up the people that are different and do have the courage to show their uniqueness.
Yes, we are all unique and special. Maybe we are afraid to love ourselves, who knows. Let’s celebrate lives of all alive beings, because nobody can create the same lion or woman. Our DNA is special and different for every living organism and I think what it is great. Thanks for your input, all the best, regards, Nemira.
Hey, Nemira!
This is a great read, and we are all certainly unique in our own ways 🙂
It has taken me a while to discover my true passion, purpose and uniqueness in life, but now that I have, I know exactly what gift I have and how to give it to the world to help others!
I am certainly following the positive voice that guides me and have also learned to ignore the negative one.
Thanks for this, and just the extra inspiration I needed 🙂
Hello Neil, thanks for visiting and comment. I am glad that you have your own voice and view to the world. Your gift is unique as you. To explore it, improve and show for rest of people is a great way to encourage others. World would be dull without black sheep or white crows. They are diamonds, which after some work with them, shine and enlighten paths to others. We need an encouragement from others, some triggers, which open our protective coverings.
With right attitude towards life we can turn negative things to our profit, learn from them and forgive to these, who still go in circles, looking for escape.
All the best to you, take care, Nemira.
I have been working hard on finding my own uniqueness and sharing it. Music is my love and what I love to share. Now I will continue to work hard on my website to share my music and hopefully make some good waves in the world.
Thanks for sharing this message and it brings me hope to continue on my path.
Hello Marcel, I am glad that you found your passion. Music is one of fields, which is understandable to all alive beings, not just humans. Sometimes we put restrictions on ourselves, stating that it is to late or we do not understand it. Your website can change it through information what you would provide to your visitors.
You are unique in your own way as me or every alive human being. Messages given through TV or social media can confuse us. We can think that we do not fit in these standards which our society offers here. Fortunately, giants such as Albert Einstein, Picasso or Sebastian Bach move our humankind to other levels. They make us think and reach for unique ways to express ourselves. We need to discover our uniqueness through hard work and constant check how it feels for us. Do we are in a right way? Do we follow inner voice and our heart?
Finding our unique ways, makes us happy and content. It means that other such as our family or friends would happy too.
All the best to you spreading message about music and introducing your visitors to world of beautiful sound and vibrations. Nemira.
What a great outlook. If we just realize we are all unique and all have those things that make us special. No celebrity status needed. I like that you said no one can take what makes you unique(paraphrasing here). We should embrace our uniqueness and not try to be like everyone else. There is only one you! You are irreplaceable. In a world where people try to emulate others, like celebrities, being different is ok.
Hello Kristie, yes, life would be dull if everybody would be the same, such as millions of Steve Jobs or Beyonce. They stand out because they gave others their unique creations. We can do the same. Maybe not in so big scale, but in our different way. Just thinking what do we like, what kind of passion drives us towards our goals, we can spread out to the world through our websites.
All the best, Nemira.
Hey Nemira, I hope this message finds you well. Just had a chance to check out your site- you have a ton of helpful info here, and I can tell that at least one of your target audiences will be those a little lost in terms of their life/path direction… many out there these days so you have a great niche. So great that you’re pointing them towards WA!! I found your green header a little soft (might be the white letters) and didn’t grab my attention outright, but the content & your subject matter made easy work of that so overall I think you’ve done a stellar job. Others may like it and this is only my opinion, so please take with a grain of salt. 🙂
Well done!!
Hello Will, thanks for visiting my website. I appreciate your comment because how I can know that visitors think about content. Do they like it or not? Yes, my website is about finding ways to be wealthy, healthy from inside and out. I want to cheer up fellow human beings, that always are roads, which lead to better, more rewarding life. Our thinking can constrict us in some frame of delusion or misunderstanding, that something is lost, we are to old or to young to change something. It s not true. We can do everything, if we would think about what do we want.
There so many great books about people, who made unbelievable changes and reached summits of their destinations.As sunflower turns to sun for light and energy to grow, we need to do the same.We need look for best in our lives, do not stop with achievements. When we reached one peak, we will see awaiting another one. Progress is made by people as you or me. They are the same, just their minds work towards their goals. They know what do they want and they reach for it. It can take few days or one year, but they move on. They happy with it. They do not settle for one thing. Helping themselves, they helps others too, setting examples and spreading message how everything can be done. Look at Earl Nightingale, Robin Sharma, Paulo Coelho, Timothy Ferriss. They are leaders in their fields, but they started as everybody, from scratch. They had ups and downs too, but they did it.They reached their goals.
Wealthy Affiliate is a place where you can reach your goals and make your dreams come trues. I do not know what kind of person you are, but you have a hobby or you are good at something. It means, that these things excite you. Writing about them as your passion, introducing it to your visitors and giving them information about it, will make content both: reader and you. Doing what you like and giving others knowledge about it through your website, would enrich virtual world. Of course, people will read books, but nowadays a lot information is provided on Internet. If it is really good and helps your visitors to solve their problems, you will be always busy. It means that your business online will be serving others. When your customers happy, you will be happy too.
Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to do it, from beginning to top. It depends on you, how far you want to go.
All the best, take care, Nemira.
I love the message here. It’s a good reminder that very single person on this planet is unique and precious.
I believe that everyone has a unique gift to offer to the human race and no two people ever in history were ever exactly the same.
I find that idea to be empowering.
Hello Ian, thanks for visiting my website.
I wish that more people would understand that they are special and worthy. Everybody has own way to success and happiness. If we trust ourselves, it is a lot easier to achieve our goals. It is a pity, when people are influenced by media or opinions of friends or family members. Nobody knows what is the best for us, just you or me, we can tell what kind of passion is in our minds.
Role models play a big part to discover our uniqueness. When we see when somebody chooses different path and he or she is successful, we get courage. We can try discover our special traits or talents and follow our hearts. I think that books can influence us in a good way too. We fill our minds with new ideas and thoughts. Thanks to role models and books we can discover our unique talents in one or in another way. We all are special and wonderful, just we need to love ourselves more.
The way I see it is that life is like a puzzle. Each and every piece is different and when one piece is missing then you will never see the big picture.
One piece can also never be replaced with another one, so I have to agree with you that we should never be afraid of our uniqueness.
Hello Viljoen, I think that we need to be proud of it. I guess that everybody knows that they are unique, but somehow they forgot it. People hide their talents and do jobs which are just for survival nothing more. If we would do what we can perform best and what do we like, our world would be colorful and cheerful. When we discover our uniqueness, it does not matter what it is, our life becomes meaningful and surprising for us every day.
All the best to you, keep up with your dreams, Nemira.
Your message is beautiful, “Discover own uniqueness”. I discovered my own uniqueness when I stepped out from the crowd, followed my inner voice, and built a new life for myself in Trinidad and Tobago. Your website is inspirational and I love it! Thank you for sharing a wonderful real message!
Hello, Zoey. Thanks for visiting a website and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.
I think that you are proud of yourself when you made a decision to follow your unique path. Congratulations! When we believe in ourselves, we can turn all things to our side. When we see that we can achieve various things, it gives for us power to move forward. All people on Earth are unique and special. Unfortunately, some of us do not discover our inner strength and things, that makes us stand out of the crowd.
I wish you al the best in your journey and with your endeavours through life.
Hi Nemira,
It’s been a real pleasure to read your post, Discover Own Uniqueness.
I especially love what you wrote:
“When people stand out from the crowd, they follow their inner voices, which prompts them create, discover, improve and build new lives for themselves and their fellow human beings.”
This has most definitely been my experience over the years, and I would not trade it for anything! It does take courage to stand out from the crowd and discover our own, unique voice, and sometimes we have to stand alone, but to me, it is better to stand alone and be real, than to be surrounded by the masses and feel fake.
Beautiful post filled with much insight and wisdom. Thank you for writing it and sharing it.
Warmly, Heather 🙂
Hello Heather, thanks for an input and nice words. It is great to hear from the person, who feels and responds in accord with author’s thoughts. I wish that more people would stop and think about themselves. Mostly all of us are in the circle of monotonous duties and tasks. We forgot who we are; what kind of purpose and goals do we have here, on this precious Earth.
I think that people are unhappy when they do not follow their paths. They do not pay attention to their intuition and heart. I know that it is not easy to be unique, but it is worth to make an effort and take the time to explore what makes us happy.
All the best, Nemira.