Contemplate on success and move on. There are a lot more goals to reach more mountains to climb. When you reached one destination, you see that ahead are a lot more, which wait conquered. To long dwelling on our achievements, can postpone our journey. Live always evolves. What is was right or innovative yesterday, today, can be old-fashionable and will not work for our customers or us.
Relish and Move on
When things happen, you approve them because, without it, it will be the disturbance in our heads. Why? Because it is the past, and it is gone. We can celebrate our success, dwell on it for a while, but not too long. Everything around us continually changes, except universal rules. It is okay. Without it, the world would be dull. Learning from lessons, what it was given for us, being thankful for it, clears the path to following advantages and challenges to adapt and overcome it.
Contemplate to Be Ready for Next Step
If we consider too much time on our success, we can see that somebody reached more as we did a few days or months ago. We do not need to compete because competition takes a lot of energy from us. Knowing that our success is just one step towards our goals, dreams, we will prepare ourselves for the next move.
Know What You Thirst for
It depends on what you want from life. It can be your dreams from childhood or your goals, what you were contemplating as an adult. Reaching your desired one step at the time, stopping at the end of the line, looking around, evaluating your achievements, celebrating your success, and moving on, it is a way, how you can evolve to new successful heights.
Be Ready for Next Journey
Enjoying your success is the one thing, but it does not need to prevent you from reaching new victories in your life. Everything can be improved here, such as your service to people or your ability to meet new obstacles and make the best of them. Life is with ups and downs. After contemplating on our victories, let’s move on towards new undiscovered places. There will be new celebrations again.
Hi Nemira!
This is a great article about contemplating on success. It reminds me about my past where I fail many English tests and almost gave up on them. Over the years, I realize that regret is stupid. The only reason I don’t succeed is because of my own ignorance. Thus, this time I am so dead serious in earning my victory within Online Marketing realm. As long as we have FAITH on something, there is always a way. 🙂
Hello Edy, thank you for visiting my website and for input. Yes, without right attitude we can not achieve our goals. There so many obstacles in our lives. Of course, if we will call them in this way. I would call them teachers, which point what works for you and what isn’t.It is easy to let everything go. As Earl Nightingale told, that people nowadays are use to instant gratification. They want everything now. Unfortunately, it does not work in this way. As pianist who overwhelms public, playing gracious concerts, or scientist who discovers medicine from illness, they did not reached their heights during one week. They worked constantly, having goals ahead them. They succeed. We will too, in every area, if we will make our minds to it. All the best, regards, Nemira.
Life is a continuous unfolding journey, and I think that we are either growing or stagnating. It’s one way or the other, so I agree with you that we should not spend too much time focusing on what we have recently achieved. But I do think we should reward ourselves along the way because that makes the journey more fun along the way!
Hello Liz, thanks for the comment, I appreciate it. You are right that rewards are the part of our progress. Without it, we can be exhausted and bored.
Overall, people look for constant gratification. They do not have enough patience to wait for results. I guess that it is a reason why so many people stay on the same level and they do not progress forward. I think that it is better to have a goal and after achieving it, reward yourself. It would be a double victory. This victory for us when we reached the goal and celebration for us when we get rewarded with something.
All the best, Nemira.