Casey’s Research report review, from my perspective, can bring benefits in a few ways. How do I know about it? First, I subscribed personally to Casey’s newsletter. Second, I had it long enough to lose patience and search for the answers.
My Questions about Casey Report

As I mentioned before, I subscribed to The Casey Research Report for bonuses such as Ultimate Privacy Guide. Besides, I wanted to learn about new ways how to withstand this tumultuous time.
What did I get with The Casey Report?
I got access for three years to, the member’s area, to explore various topics, read reports, follow editors’ choices. I can also subscribe for more money-making opportunities if I give my email address to Casey Daily Dispatch.
Additionally, I got
- The New Crisis Currency: Why Every American Should Own at Least $100 of the Hardest Money the World Has Ever Known
- The Ultimate Privacy Guide: The Secrets Big Government and Big Tech Hope You Never Discover
- The Biggest Gold Mania in History: 3 Opportunities to Capture Massive Gains
When I read such an impressive presentation of offer ( I know that it was a well-written landing page), I could not resist checking what it is about.
Additionally, I got
- Exclusive Gift #1 : The Little Black Book of Income Secrets
- Exclusive Gift #2: Crypto Revolution. Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency and the Future of Money.
- Bonus Partner Report #1: Gold-Backed Cryptocurrencies
- Bonus Partner Report #2: The Online Privacy Guide
As I mentioned before, I subscribed for three years only to read privacy online reports. That came with the subscription. Is it stupid? Maybe because of reading Bruce Schneier’s newsletters, I became a paranoic one.
Additional stuff is for information only because of not having resources to invest into bitcoin that reaches today a nice lump of money. It is 59,372.10 US Dollars on April 11, 2021. However, Nick Giambruno writes about seven reasons to sell all your ethereum and buy bitcoin. It is an interesting article, especially to those who are crazy about cryptocurrency and doubt that kind of type to buy.
I will mention these reasons and if you interested you can subscribe to Casey’s Research Report.
Reasons to sell Ethereum and buy Bitcoin are these:
- Ethereum can be censored and is prone to flaws in DAO( decentralized autonomous organization).
- Ethereum (ETH) supply can be flexible and determined by developers. Bitcoin is different.
- Ownership of ETH is centralized. Ethereum premine creates controversy among developers.
- Ethereum’s network infrastructure is centralized.
- ETH not supposed to be money compared with Bitcoin
- Token model built on ETH does provide value for investors
- Ethereum has implementation risk. Bitcoin does not have.
Who can benefit from Casey Research Report?
Everybody who wants to peek into the financial world, hear about monetary abilities, learn how to invest money into various business types. Overall, it is for people who familiar with terms, has spare money, and does not get bored reading all additional email sent from Casey Research affiliates.
Nowadays people worry about future hearing various news about economics. They want to find safe ways to protect investments and learn about different methods how to grow money.
You can find plenty of information in the Casey Research Report and in the member’s area. Besides, you can save plenty of money if you could catch a chance to get access for three years for $149 as I did.
Why did I subscribe to Casey Research Report?
I always was fascinated by privacy and security. I guess that the offer to subscribe pooped out at the time of the search for protection methods.
Do you know how newsletters use freebies to lure people to join the email list? I got it with the offer to subscribe to the Casey Research report. They offered Bonus Partner Report #2: The Online Privacy Guide, plus a few more incentives that keep me yawning.
It is nothing wrong with that. It is boring stuff that I need to check if I want to pay money for some particular investments.
It is boring for me because of my absence in the speculator’s field. Everybody, who has spare money, could benefit from Casey Report’s advice and members area after studying editors’ picks and suggestions about money investment.
Okay, let’s go back to the privacy guide
Overall, I got some unknown facts about domain privacy such as names with .com or .net can be easily seized by the US government. I do not know what you need to do to attract the attention of federal institutions but Nick Giambruno knows better.
He showed some secure options of mail providers. However, these companies are not cheap, and you need to pay for service. Contrary, Proton Mail or Mailfence mail providers ask to pay only if you overcome limits.
Additionally, Nick Giambruno shows options for using different secure payment processors and picking a domain name that could not be seized by somebody who does not like what you do.
According to privacy guide, the hosting is vitally important. Keeping your website somewhere outside of bullies can help to be active and sort things out without various losses.
What kind of problems could be? You never know when innocently written idea or opinion will attract attention of censors.
For me, it correlates with Lord Of Rings, where the main hero Frodo Baggins and Sam hide from all-knowing and seeing Sauron’s eye.
Thankfully, most of the time, where is a problem? Here is a solution. Nick offers few hosting websites that protect your privacy and security from prying eyes. Do you need it? It depends on your business profile. It is good to know alternatives, even if you write about blueberry pies or how to lose weight.
Did I get some valuable information from the privacy guide?
No, I did not. Of course, there are some details, such as email providers or payment processors. However, I do well without hiding in the mountains of Siberia. Of course, it is a joke. Everybody, who wants to be invisible needs more information, such as a privacy guide from Casey’s Research report.
Who is behind Casey Research Report?
The founder of Casey Research is Doug Casey. He is known as a speculator, best-selling author, and libertarian philosopher. His book Crisis Investing was a number 1 New Your Times bestseller and left Sagan’s Cosmos behind when you look at sales numbers. He was featured on shows and periodicals such as David Letterman, NBC News, CNN, Forbes, Time, Washington Post, and People. Now he resides in Argentina, at La Estancia de Cafayate.
David Forest is strategist, senior analyst, strategic trader and international speculator.
Nick Giambruno is an expert on when to buy and invest. Besides it, he travels the world looking for the best opportunities.
John Pangere is senior analyst, a former investment banker, strategic trader, and strategic investor.
As you see that these guys are not are jokes. However, you need to know what you want to learn from Casey Research Report.
I wanted to see that kind of privacy guide this company offers, and I got it. Am I happy with that? Nah. I can find better information reading Timothy Ferriss’s blogs or from Bruce Schneier’s emails.
Pros of Casey Research Report
You will get all the newest information that is going on in the financial world, will read about speculations, and how to chose assets which would generate brig profit to you.
There are various versions on the Casey Research website regarding information about financial stuff. The cost varies from 0 to 3,500 dollars per year.
It is opting to you that you will consider subscribing for. For example, Casey Platinum has a lifetime membership that consists of
- Crisis investing
- Strategic Trader
- International Speculator
- The Casey Report
- Strategic Investor
- Disruptive Profits
The price is above average. You need to call for a quote. Besides, Casey Platinum is not for the average person or me but for somebody who has plenty of time and money to dig into various financial investment cases and options.
Casey Research Report and website is not for everybody; You need to be curious and keen about financial investments and differentiate baloney from the serious stuff. If somebody told you that this or another investment would bring enormous profits, you need to check few times or consult with other professionals.
Besides, there is annoying detail about spams. Only I subscribed to Casey Research Report; offers from various companies I never heard of flooded my safe email box.
Maybe you wonder if I unsubscribed from emails associated with Casey Report. Yes, I did and you can see proof of it.

Affiliates such as Brownstone Research did not leave my in peace after unsubscribing and sending to the spam box.

Later on, I got a hundred emails that traveled to the spam box. Unfortunately, new names showed up. I do wonder if do they sell email addresses?

As you see there are plenty of email in my spam folder that offer to invest, explore or try various financial options. These practices make me not so friendly to those who initiate these processes. I guess that I will be better with an affiliate marketing. There is no danger that you will be flooded with emails from manufacturers or companies.
My Verdict
The Casey Research Report is a real thing, an interesting one. It is not a scam. However, people can benefit from checking all given information, making decisions without rush, and learning ropes about constant changes in the financial environment. And another thing: please do not give away the main email address you use for important connections. You can create something on Yahoo or Outlook and mark it as spam when something gets wrong or cannot keep up with offers to get rich after a few days.
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