Wealthy Affiliate Review: If Not Now, When? Wealthy Affiliate is an online web training company which offers the top-notch education. The training is focused on the success and prosperity of each member at Wealthy Affiliate. Everybody, who does not mind to be wealthy and be own boss, can benefit from the comprehensive training at Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate Review 
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Website: www.WealthyAffiliate.com
Price: Starter Membership,$0(Join Here)
Price: Premium Membership, $49/month
or $359/year(Join Here)
Owners: Kyle&Carson
Overall Rank: 99/100
Who it is for Everybody, who wants be successful online
What is it the Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is an online training platform, founded by Kyle and Carson in 2005. Wealthy Affiliate company teaches how to create a successful business online.
Wealthy Affiliate has over 850000 members who learn, teach and help each other to achieve success. Owners Kyle and Carson participate in the daily life of Wealthy Affiliate community helping with problems, teaching and answering questions through 24-hour chat, blogs, and webinars.
Who Can Join Wealthy Affiliate?
Everybody who wants to be successful and be own boss can become a Wealthy Affiliate member. The age is just a number. Wealthy Affiliate community contains the diverse bunch of people. Individuals from the whole world learn, communicate with each other, share experience and answer questions regarding business online.
Students, veterans, seniors, executives, stay at home moms and dads use the Wealthy Affiliate as the bridge to a better life. Imagine yourself having time and finances to do what you want anytime and anywhere. Sounds tempting? Yes. You can check what it is about here, for free.
In the video below, Wealthy Affiliate co-owner Kyle introduces the company, walking you through stages of the learning process. Think about an encounter with the new but fascinating world. You want to try, but you do not know how to start. At Wealthy Affiliate, training starts from scratch till you reach the level of professional.
What Wealthy Affiliate Offers?
Wealthy Affiliate offers:
- Comprehensive online training for newbies and experts
- Interactive Classrooms
- WordPress writing platform for free websites
- Access to 2400 website themes/templates
- Unlimited Cloud Hosting
- Free SSL Certificate ( for Premium members)
- Webinars
- Keyword tool
- Live, 24/7/365 Chat
- Online Discussions
- Private access to community experts
- Support from Wealthy Affiliate owners Kyle and Carson
- Online Training and Tools for Everybody who Wants Be Successful
- Spam and bully free environment
- $0 Membership. You do not believe? Check it out. It is FREE.
Here are certifications courses teaching about online business starting from scratch.
Online training within Wealthy Affiliate offers you the complete package for real and fruitful business. The training is various depending on your needs and expertise level. Are you the newbie? You will start from scratch. With the help of Wealthy Affiliate, you will pick a niche for your website, a domain and with a couple of clicks, you will create free websites.
Are you expert in the online business? You will be glad to meet people who run business worth of thousands and millions of dollars.
Sounds tempting? Think what you could do having own, successfully running the website, working anywhere and anytime as you wish. There is some serious work involved and research. However, if you want to be prominent and fruitful without moving a finger, Wealthy Affiliate is not for you.
How Wealthy Affiliate Differ from Other Companies?
- Legitimate
- Transparent
- Eleven years in the business
- Supportive community
- Comprehensive training
- Over 1000 training modules within Wealthy Affiliate
- Everything that you need to create robust online business
- No spam, bullies, and up-sells( except Premium members)
If Not Now, When?
I know that there are plenty of “gurus” and companies which offer fast learning and programs how to become rich overnight. Do you believe in it? Unfortunately, without knowledge and experience, nothing happens in a satisfactory and profitable way.
Knowledge is one thing that doesn’t become secondhand when used.
For Starter members, Wealthy Affiliate is free.
You will get with your $0 Starter membership:
- Access to 500 training modules
- Two free websites and free hosting
- Support from Wealthy Affiliate owners, community members and me first how to days from the start
- Free 30 keyword searches per month
- Access to three classrooms
- Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp first course
Join Thousands of Successful Marketers with $0 Membership Now!
You will get with Premium Membership($30 per month) if you go for the yearly membership) everything that you need for the successful business online.
- Domain unlimited cloud hosting
- 50 websites
- 24/7/365 website support
- Keyword search tool with unlimited access
- Unlimited 1 -on- 1 coaching
- Webinars
- Training classes
- Classrooms for specific topics
- Tutorial training
- Search for questions and answers
- SSL Certificate
Would you like to know how to start and that kind of process at Wealthy Affiliate leads to the creation of business online?
Are You Good at Promoting and Referring People?
Maybe you do not feel that something interests you, you can go to Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp. It is a training oriented to referral business.
Wealthy Affiliate BootCamp gives the best training for running the successful business by referring others to the company. The payment is generous. It is fair to extensively promote Wealthy Affiliate because the company stands out as the leading training platform.
The Sky Is the Limit
At Wealthy Affiliate, everybody is free to choose that he or she wants to learn. There are plenty of options for business creation. Do you want to have an e-commerce site? Would yu like to promote products or share your expertise about animals? Everything that you want, you can achieve at Wealthy Affiliate. The sky is the limit.
Do you think that I brag about it just to brag? No.
How About Success Stories at Wealthy Affiliate?
I like success stories because it shows that Wealthy Affiliate works as the best online training platform.
One of the most appealing and real stories are from Wealthy Affiliate Member DomW. Many of members use nicknames or just first names. In the circles of friends, members reveal their actual names, of course, if they wish. DomW is from the UK. In his blog, he described his success starting from $0 and reaching the impressive amount of money for every month.
Here you can read the excerpt from his blog, posted at Wealthy Affiliate:
There is another success story from Wealthy Affiliate member.
Real people share their stories at Wealthy Affiliate because we want to inspire and support each other. The community at Wealthy Affiliate is alive and flourishing. The environment lets people share ideas, help each other, encourage and support on the day of the need.
How about you? If you read this blog, you want to change your life for good. Joining Wealthy Affiliate for free, you do not risk anything. Starters do not pay anything. No credit cards required. You will look around, how it feels to be surrounded by Wealthy Affiliate community and learning the ropes of the online business.
If you do not like, you can quit anytime. It is your choice.
Why Choose Wealthy Affiliate?
The education at Wealthy Affiliate is top-notch because it prepares you for a real life. It is not the same as you finish college and you do not know where to find work. Competition is high, and you must be best in your area.
The gap between wealthy and poor widens every month and year. Computers and robots take over jobs. You can not change it. According to Chad Sparber, an associate professor and chairman of the Economics Department at Colgate University, ” technological developments have increasingly replaced low- and mid-skilled jobs while complementing higher-skilled jobs.”
This pattern will continue because about 38 percent of U.S. jobs will be cut by automation till 2030. Companies cut costs hiring temporary and part-time workers. Wage growth fails to keep up with growing costs of housing, food and utility expenses.
I do not want to scare you. I state facts which can be reached anywhere. Life goes on, and it is smart to look out for ways where we can find the escape from many problems.
Does Wealthy Affiliate Fit You?
You can doubt about your capacity to learn new things such as picking domain and niche, creating a website, using social media or keyword tool. Think about how you learned to ride the bicycle or tried to play a music instrument. It took some time to adjust, but after some time you felt what you did it whole your life.
Who Can Benefit from Wealthy Affiliate?
- Students.
- People who want extra income for their needs.
- Moms and dads who stay at home.
- Seniors, army veterans, hippies, and hipsters who want changes in their lives.
- Individuals who want to quit 9 to 5 jobs and retire from the rat race.
- Business owners who want present their services and products on a larger scale.
Wealthy Affiliate offers two memberships. The Starter membership costs $0. You do not need to pay anything. With Starter membership you can create two free websites, introduce yourself to Wealthy Affiliate community, learn basics of training. You will get all needed support at Wealthy Affiliate.
Did I mention about video classes? Wealthy Affiliate offers video classes every Friday. During webinar time you can ask questions and get answers from WA member Jay. Jay teaches and shows how to incorporate specific techniques in your website and reach profitable results. I like that I can watch videos at any time because of replays available after live video presentation.
Here a few examples of live video classes:
Now you can watch over 300 video replays at Wealthy Affiliate.
The Community at Wealthy Affiliate
The community at Wealthy Affiliate contains over 10 000 active members. These members are foundation and engine of the Wealthy Affiliate company. I can not imagine a place where you need just to learn, take exams and learn again. You need the break, yes? It would be boring and lonely stuffing all knowledge and not having an opportunity to share about achievements, ups, and downs of the journey at Wealthy Affiliate.
I see many members from different parts of the world helping, encouraging and supporting at the time of need.
The life at Wealthy Affiliate goes on 24/7/365. I can compare it to New York, the city, which never sleeps.
As you see below, the Wealthy Affiliate community is busy sharing information, helping each other, chatting or just simple hanging together.
There are some of the many features for learning, sharing, and being together at Wealthy Affiliate:
- 24/7/365 Live Chat at Wealthy Affiliate. People hang out, introduce themselves, ask questions and share their experience.
- New members who will start the exciting journey at Wealthy Affiliate.
- Community members share their stories, ask questions.
- The search window. You enter wanted word and blogs; training tutorials show up.
- The list of Wealthy Affiliate training.
- Comments, left by members after reading blogs.
There are plenty of features in Wealthy Affiliate home page such as Site Manager where you create websites, get feedback, buy domains, You can see the health of your website, how much you achieved and how much you need to accomplish.
I gave you just a peak to the life of the exuberating, dynamic and friendly community at Wealthy Affiliate.
Pros of Wealthy Affiliate
- The online training for Beginners and Advanced members
- Cloud hosting
- Two free website
- WordPress platform
- 24/7/365 Live Chat
- Classrooms
- Live video classes
- The help and support from Wealthy Affiliate owners
- Website support
- SSL Certificate
- Spam-free environment
- The addictive environment at Wealthy Affiliate. The Live Chat pulls me in because there are so many interesting topics discussed in the community.
- The training is enormous. It takes time and perseverance to absorb all presented knowledge.
- Starter members get all taste of Wealthy Affiliate but to be Premium member requires different membership
I hope that you can see the picture of Wealthy Affiliate. Of course, it is just a drop of information what is going on at Wealthy Affiliate. I could write more about training and life at the Wealthy Affiliate, but it is better when you can see it by yourself.
It is better to enter the journey to the success by yourself not just hear about it or just get a glimpse of it.
Join Wealthy Affiliate Paying $0. If Not Now, When?
After you join Free Starter Account, you will be contacted by me and Wealthy Affiliate community members. I will show you the way how to navigate and learn at Wealthy Affiliate ropes of the online business.
You never will be sorry for joining Wealthy Affiliate except what you learned about this top-notch company just now.
See you around! If you have questions regarding Wealthy Affiliate, please leave a comment below.
An Update
Wealthy Affiliate training platform has another exciting feature: SiteSpeed. You know how it is boring and frustrating when you read a compelling title and want to check blog what it is about? Unfortunately, I experienced many times that the website opens slowly. Can you imagine what it does for your visitors, customers, and everybody who wants to read your blog? They will leave because where are plenty of websites which open just in a few seconds.
Being a part of Wealthy Affiliate you will forget frustration and worries regarding the speed of the website. You need work on your content and the rest will be taken by Wealthy Affiliate amazing tools.
Here you can see newest features of Wealthy Affiliate:
You see that Wealthy Affiliate does not stay in the same place. It is constantly improving and evolving platform. Would you like to be a part of it? Join here ?
Hi Nemira
What a great review and opportunity!
I am quite interested to have a look into the success stories you share here.
How long have you been with Wealthy Affiliate and have you reached a certain level of success that you are personally satisfied with?
The supportive community sounds wonderful 🙂
Wish you all the best.
Hello, Kamil, thanks for the comment. I always wanted to share my knowledge founded from scientific, research books and articles about ways how to enrich our lives in a most effective way. The information rules all, but just the right one. I prefer facts over fake news. Wealthy Affiliate gave me opportunity to share it with my readers. I wanted previously to create website by my own, but WordPress is a piece of cake. I can concentrate on writing. Besides it, Wealthy Affiliate teach how to reach visitors in a wide scale. The competition is enormous. It does not matter how you can be smart, you need to know some of techniques which let you to spread message in an effective way.
At Wealthy Affiliate I feel safe and sure if I will work on my goals, I will reach destination sooner or later. I prefer working online compare with the office job. Besides it, I am tired from many of bosses. Wealthy Affiliate gives you opportunity to be wealthy and work anywhere at any time.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Wow this program is really amazing!
The training is really interesting, I heard about wealthy affiliate but never gone further to research and know exactly what it was all about. Reding all the information you have provided enlightened my understanding and I can only decide to join.
I’m starting this journey now!
Thanks for sharing
hello here. Yes, Wealthy Affiliate has amazing training for affiliate marketers. You would ask what it is so amazing? Simplicity. Nothing complicated such as going into real programming when we create websites. Tips from beginning are clear and well explained. You do not need to look on the Google what one or another word means.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
Hi Nemira,
very Thorough and informative review. I especially like how you provided the testimonials of insiders that are doing well.
I myself am a member of WA, so I can personally vouch for everything you stated. Now I’m still a newbie and have a lot to learn but i am very positive that with all of this information and the positive community I will accomplish all goals I set.
Again Thanks for the review and May success be with you!!!
Ian J.
Hello, Ian. These two guys are just couple of hundred of successful people. I wanted to show that Wealthy Affiliate is a real thing. I went through many of programs which offer to make money online, participated in countless of forums looking for the right answer. My question was how to establish the online business in an easy and understandable way? Products and various programs did not give me answers. It was so twisted. When I started from the beginning when I reached the middle of the program, everything was lost thanks to inconsistent teaching.
Anyway, I found Wealthy Affiliate which provides an easy way to follow courses, find answers from members, training, blogs, and owners. One thing that I need to do just work on it. Nothing special when you know what you want.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
This is a great review of Wealthy Affiliate. It sounds like an amazing platform to help you start your online business or website. There are numerous benefits that you can gain from joining WA, and the cons are really just trivial. I can see why you say, why not now!
Have you used a lot of the training yourself? I think I would find that to be the most helpful – to have all the training in one place. I always have questions and never know exactly where to go or who to ask questions of, so having a community of people who could help answer would be wonderful.
Thanks for sharing your in depth review. It was a great read!
Hello, Jen. What I like about Wealthy Affiliate that under every training course are comments and answers. There are experienced people, called ambassadors. They help mostly for beginners who a re lost in ocean of information. I am at Wealthy Affiliate over couple of years and I still learn. The community plays enormous role at WA and helps members to feel at easy and succeed.I know that there are plenty of work involved if somebody wants to succeed but there are no magic bullet, just learning and adapting knowledge in online business.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Hi there,
You have done an awesome review of WA here and well done. This is truly the best of the best.
Like yourself, I am so lucky to have come across this business and everyday, I count my lucky stars.
There is a great opportunity for anyone who has a desire to suceed, but the best part of this business is. you don’t need any previous experience.
Full training is given from start to finish.
Well done on a great review
Cheers……Phil Browne
Hello, Phil, thank you for nice words, especially from Wealthy Affiliate member. This company is my favorite place because I always have what to learn and experience from training and members blogs. The community keeps this company alive and flourishing. I can not imagine Wealthy Affiliate without chat, activity dashboard, success stories from members.
Wealthy Affiliate is a constant reminder for me that I need to push myself to write more, learn more. It teaches me that nothing comes for free. Everywhere in life people must take time for achieving results and accomplishing their dreams.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
Hi Nemira,
A review with so much information about Wealthy Affiliate but how does it compare to Fizzle? I have heard the training within W.A., is amazing. Do the successful members really help newbies like me ? How long will it take for me to start making money? How long have you been a member? Did you try other opportunites, before joining Wealthy Affiliate?
Sorry for so many questions but I have been burned so many times.
Look forward to your response.
Great success to you,
Hello, Jim, sorry for the late reply. I was busy exploring new topics regarding ways how to be wealthy and work anywhere. I did not hear about Fizzle. I need to check out it.It is agood and legit company? I have been fooled by scammers few times. It is enough for me.
What is about Wealthy Affiliate members help each other immensely because they like what they do. The atmosphere at WA is energetic and friendly. You can find here, jokes, insightful advices, trainings from members, supporting words and cheers when someone reached their goals.
What is about money, it is different because people work at the different speed. It depends on the niche, how it is popular, how much people look for information and products. You need to have a website which offers value to your customers. People need things which benefit them. When they see it, they are willing to pay for it.
I tried Solo ads, create website by myself, taking pictures and selling them. Unfortunately, it was not my passion. I pasioned about freedom and ability to spread information about gifts from a Nature. Nothing is complicated in this world, just we need to research fot things which make our lives successful and meaningful.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Great review of Wealthy Affiliate. I have been blogging for over a year now and monetizing my website. I earn extra income that way, and hope to some day in the near future quit my day job and just do that part time from my home.
It works – and I learned how to do it at Wealthy Affiliate. They have that great starter program that is free. So people who are unsure about doing it can check it out and get a good taste for the process of creating a website and building up content on it. It’s incredibly easy to do.
Hello here. I am glad that you can share your positive experience about Wealthy Affiliate. I always want to be able to travel when I want and where I want. I see that my dreams come through , one step at the time. Wealthy Affiliate is to these who have patience, perseverance and know what to they want from life. I like this wonderful community of Wealthy Affiliate. It is not easy to believe but people from the whole world help each other. Every day.
All the best in your endeavors, Nemira.
Hi, I just wanna start off by saying how much I absolutely love your site! You go into so much detail about wealthy affiliate and I really learned alot about the business.
Before this I had never heard of this before, but I’m definitely going to check it out now, seems pretty legit if it’s saying you have to put the effort into it.
Hello, Gabe, thanks for visiting and thanks for the positive feedback. This review is about company which is real, legit and transparent. Till now I did not find a decent place where you could find support, enormous knowledge and tools for creating business online.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
I want start by saying thanks so much for such great information you have to share with us ONLINE. I really wants to start some business ONLINE, but did not know just how to start. In fact your review have proved to be very informative to me personally.
The only thing I was afraid about ONLINE jobs is the SCAMMERS out there who are ready to steal all your money from your pocket. But since Wealthy Affiliate has a free starter membership. I think its a great opportunity to start making some money ONLINE.
But my questions is: Is the FREE STARTER membership available in all countries?
Please I would appreciate your reply.
Hello here. I know that Nigeria has negative access to Wealthy Affiliate . Just you need to try ad you will see if company accept you as the member. Of course there plenty of people who want to take advantage of you but otherwise there are plenty of good companies which offer trading and products. You need to look around, try how it works. What I like about Wealthy Affiliate but they do not push you to become Oremium member. You will decide by yourself. You have whole week to check things out and get a taste of Wealthy Affiliate. It is simple as that.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
I already a couple of blogs that I started a year ago and I am building up a readership but I’m not making any money from them yet because I haven’t monetised them. Is this something I can learn from the Wealthy Affiliate training course?
I am also very interested in the Wealthy Affiliate hosting. When I started my blog I just chose the cheapest one and it’s terribly slow, so much so that I think it’s definiietly having an impact on readers’ experience. Is it possible to transer my hosting to Wealthy Affiliate or do I have to wait for the 12 month domain renewal?
Many thanks for your help!
Hello, Simon Crowe. Yes , Wealthy Affiliate is a place where you can get all knowledge about creation of business online. We all do mistakes when miss some important details such as to much plugins, grammatically incorrect content or low site speed. There are many reasons why you do not monetize your website. At Wealthy Affiliate you can give questions to top experts who have been in affiliate marketing decades. You can ask owners of Wealthy Affiliate. The training is simple. Learning here you can find that you skipped creating online business.
You can transfer domain any time, no worries. You will pay for hosting at WA, and for domain in the company where you bought it. Of course you can transfer completely your domain to Wealthy Affiliate. It is op to you.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
Hi, Nemira You have done a great job on this review about wealth affiliate. I love the success stories and the wealthy affiliate video walk through was great. It’s very helpful to many looking to see the inside of how wealthy affiliate can help anyone succeed.
My question do you think that the membership price $49 is worth it?
Hello, Anthony. If you would decide to go early, it means you would pay for the whole year, the price for the month will be $29. Think about it how much you will learn during one year! It is less a dollar per day. We spend money on junk food or Starbuck coffee. With Wealthy Affiliate you would create foundation for online business. You do not need to carry what you learned. You can adapt knowledge everywhere where online activity is involved.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
Hi Nemira,
I love your site name – Wealthy Working Anywhere. It’s a title close to my heart!
I have tried so many times in the past to find a way of earning money online without ripping people off or being ripped off myself!
It is refreshing to read that there is someone out there is being straight and offering a way for the average Joe to make a buck online honestly.
Thank you for an interesting review of a possible way forward with Wealthy Affiliates.
Hello, Paul. I agree that there are some companies which offer products and services which give opportunity to create online business. However, Wealthy Affiliate is not a complicated place. You got what you see. You do not need go miles to understand what this teaching or product is about. Simple, easy and affordable.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Wealthy affiliate seems legit and I really wanted to learn how to make money online without having to spend time filling surveys that do not pay much.
I always wanted to create a part time income online and this does seem like a perfect way to get started. I’m from India so do they have a free starter account here as well?
Hello here. You can register as the starter member for free. You do not need to provide your card information. It does not matter from where you are from.All seven days you will have the access to Wealthy Affiliate training tools and community. Most important that you would have the computer and the access to Internet. As I know that people from India are okay here.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Thanks for this very comprehensive explanation about Wealthy Affiliate. You have surely explained everything and a bit more. Nobody need to doubt anything about this amazing program after reading your post. What I especially like is the involvement of the fellow members in the community support offered.
You have set the benchmark high for marketers of the Wealthy Affiliate program 🙂
Hello, Cobus. I am with Wealthy Affiliate two years already. I always find new things what surprises and delights me. New features as the feedback for websites, the ability to get domains, security for us and visitors create environment where you want to be and learn from experts and fellow members. People are different at WA, but they all have one thing in common: the wish to help beginners and everybody who asks for help. Sometimes I think that Wealthy Affiliate is as the port where new ships arrive bringing new experience, goodies.This community so vibrant and alive.
The ability to check Wealthy Affiliate for free the whole week without credit card and being able to leave as you wish is a big plus. Wealthy Affiliate do not show luxury cars, mansions or resorts. They state that there are some learning and work involved. Everybody can reach success if he or she will take time to create online business.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
Nemira, I really enjoyed your site. It is very insightful and informative. Wealthy Affiliate has been amazingly helpful to me and I am truly glad that someone out there is making the world know what Wealthy Affiliate is all bout.
Please keep it up and I wish you success in all your endeavors
Hello here, thank you for the positive feedback. Many of my friends did not hear about Wealthy Affiliate. I am glad that I found this company because it gives ability to be wealthy ( thanks to thediligent work) and work anywhere. The freedom is wonderful thing. Everybody can achieve it.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Hi Nemira,
Smashing review of Wealthy Affiliates. I’m a newbie when it comes to online marketing. You have succeeded in getting me interested in the Affiliate Bootcamp.
I have an ‘old’ domain doing nothing, and I’ve been wondering what to do with it for a long time.
Was it the Bootcamp that you did? How did you find it?
Good luck with your venture,
Best wishes,
Hello, Paul, how are you? If you have the domain already , you can transfer it to a Wealthy Affiliate. This company offers hosting, security, backup for your websites, new feature such as SIteSpeed, protect from spams. You know how it can be disturbing when your website is flooded with nonsense, produced with automatic devices. These false comments are not from real people. Wealthy Affiliate provides the safe environment for members and websites.
I participate and learn constantly in Wealthy Affiliate BootCamp because there are so much to learn every day.
The BootCamp is a part of Wealthy Affiliate. It is one of many ways to earn money online. It is pretty lucrative business because Wealthy Affiliate pays big commissions for refferals. I can promote Wealthy Affiliate with an enthusiasm because I know that it is a real, legit and transparent company. Everybody can succeed here if they put their minds on it , follow courses, webinars. It is plenty of fun.
I found Wealthy Affiliate through review of EMobile Code. I was really naive but I saw something that did not look right and started to look information about scams. Wealthy Affiliate members write reviews about scams. In this way people avoid traps which can cost you plenty of money.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira