A few days, I got a call about the loan. Somebody told me that they could lend the money to me. A message was from the LoanThatMoney.com.
Did I ask for it? No. I wonder how they get my phone number to call about the loan. Did I do it? No way. Anyway, I was curious about what kind of company it is, and how they offer their services, which was interesting to me, how this company is safe and trustworthy. I entered their website, where they asked me to fill out an application. Okay. Here is the first page.
It seems that these people would like to know about me as much as possible. Why? Let’s go further.
As you see, there they want details about my birthday, the bank name, how long do I work, how much I paid. My curiosity grows up. I want to know how far I need to go for borrowing $500. I filled the page. I wanted to see what do they want from me: how much information I need to give them. There is the third page:
After it, a red flag showed up. Social security number, my bank account number. I think it is plenty of information for identity theft. Why do we hear advice and warnings about an urgency to shred statements, because somebody could take advantage and use this information to steal our identity? I think that it would be easy to know all the financial details, pretend to be me, and apply for credit cards, loans, goods, and services.
Okay, let’s explore further. I took a look at where this company registered. Knowing an I.P. address, you can see from where these people came. This particular website is based in the USA. It does not show in which special place this site is. It could be Alaska or Florida. Website LoanThatMoney created a couple of months ago. It is a brand new website.
Okay, let’s go for more details about this mysterious website. I want to know who will use my information. What I found it does not surprise me.
- Owners of websites hide their identity with a unique service.
- A website is new. It means that it does not have an established reputation. Besides, this site does not have feedback.
- The website’s place is hidden.
- They do not have the contact number. The site has a FAQ.
LoanThatMoney’s Icing on the Cake
We heard that it is essential to read statements written in small letters. I will give you more prominent notes because this information is for customers if somebody wants to use their services. How do you like APR for this type of loan?
Here is Part of Page About Us
“notice%. THE average APR for this type of loan is 391%. Let’s say you want to borrow $100 for two weeks. The lender can charge you $15 for borrowing $100 for two weeks. You will need to return $115 to the lender at the end of 2 weeks. The cost of the $100 loan is a $15 finance charge and an annual percentage rate of 391 percent. If you decide to roll over the loan for another two weeks, the lender can charge you another $15. If you roll-over the loan three times, the finance charge would climb to $60 to borrow the $100.”
LoanThatMoney Potpourri
If you would search this website, you will see many varieties of this site. It means that they spread the message about services, creating new pages and blogs. It would be fascinating if we could trust this website. All these findings, given here, prompt to a different conclusion:
They offer you loans after you provide them with all information. All sensitive data will go somewhere. Nobody can guarantee if lenders will accept you. This website operates as a representative for companies, which lend money.
The Internet is an excellent place if you use a clear mind and do not jump straight into the deal when somebody offers you a loan. It is not a lottery. This money must be paid to lenders as soon as possible. Who wants to pay 391 % APR? If somebody can pay this amount, why to borrow this money?
How Do They Hide Website’s Coordinates?
Usually, if the company does not have something to hide, they give us the phone number, email address, and P.O. Box number. Before making decisions, such as giving away sensitive data, we could call and ask questions about the company.
To hide the website’s place is secure. Here www.securetunnel.com comes to help. It can contribute to protecting the identity of the Internet address. I.P. addresses mixed. If somebody would like to know where you are from, their curiosity would be unfulfilled.
Conclusion About LoanThatMoney.com
Company name: LoanThatMoney.com
Price: APR 391%
Owners: unknown.
Website: www.LoanThatMoney.com
Website LoanThatMoney.com operates with sites www.applyloanpayday.com and www.NoProblemCash.com. They present themselves as a matching service between you and lenders.
The website is easy to navigate. They state that they give loans, working as a matching service between you and lender. The company has a page with definitions of financial terms. Everybody, who interested to expand minds about compound interest or delinquency, can take a look at these terms.
Absent owners
The website is hidden.
High APR.
Absent contact numbers
Website LoanThatMoney.com mixed with NoProblemCash.com and ApplyLoanPayDay.com.
No support
Word “Transparency” Is Real
I can hear you screaming and asking if something is genuine and honest as the company? Yes, it is. There is plenty of online business. They treat their visitors and customers with respect. If you would like to know about the reliable place to learn, earn, and find friends, you can take a look at this review.
Wow! That’s scary… I am glad you did not go further; they would have all your personal information. I do not think I could have went as far as you did.
Thank you for the heads up. I will stay away for sure. I always try to keep away from places that want so much info about me but do not want to give out anything about them. thanks again for the warning.
Hello Travis. One thing what bothers me how do they dare to take personal data from people. This APR is unbelievable. They have plenty of websites with this model. If somebody would felt in their traps, they do not have contact number. Anyway, it happens.
great presentation and very good subject loan site people need to be more aware of these scams and what the fine print says. like the repot on eluding scams very good information on how they reel you in.
your about me page is very inspiring and I cannot agree with you more about WA and Carson & Kyle they are the best
Hello here, thank you for feedback and visiting website. Yes, there are plenty scammers and will be. I think in Middle Ages you can find them, just they use different techniques. All the best to you, cheers, Nemira.
your article really makes some good points about this loan scam companies. Lots of people could learn a lot from this. #1 being how not to get scammed by this company and others like it. Thanks for warning people about this. 391% APR is outrageous! You would think that this would be illegal.
Hello here, thank you for comment, I appreciate it. Yes, this APR is something. It shows why do we need read all contracts what is written from beginning to end. What fascinates me, that this main website interferes with other two as I mentioned above.
I hope that people will be careful and they would be consciuos about making choices. Best way if somebody wants to create successful business online to turn to Wealthy Affiliate. This company is real, transparent and responsible. Best place to learn, earn and have prosperous business online. Cheers
Nemira, you have a great site. I too receive emails about getting loans that I never applied for. Your site shows that they are just scamming, trying to get info so they can commit identity theft. We must be smart with our internet transactions. Thanks for showing the world what is going on on the internet. Great site, Steve
Hello Steve, thanks for input. I wonder from where they got my phone number. Usually I list my number on donotcall.gov. Anyway, somebow they found it. For me it was a chance to look deeper inside their business. I found so many details, which show that they play unhonest game.
Anyway, it happens. It would be great if somebody reading this blog, could escape trap giving them all sensitive data.
Thanks for comment, all the best, Nemira
Who is going to pay that interest rate? Nice site very informative. I would not want to give my personal information to them. Especially if it is a new site. That would make me very nervous. I liked your site a lot. Hope this helps. Hope you have lots of success with your website.
Hello, interest rate would be paid by those who borrow money. Usually if you need money, you go to lender and he gives you money with conditions how you, when you suppose to return it to him. This APR is amount which you would pay as yearly interest rate. It is the same as with credit cards.
I am glad that you are scared and will not try this option. Better to get money in a more decent way as joining WA. All the best, Nemira.
Wow, I see these scams all the time online. You’re so correct that people should be very careful on giving out their most sensitive info online.
Especially with a service that is non-transparent plus people are unable to know who owns the site.
I like that you suggest that the site is new and that’s a really big red flag that people should be aware of especially when they are asking for financial info. Thanks for sharing your great article.
Hello Evie, thanks for comment. Few years ago I was naive too, just without dangerous consequences. I see that these websites pop as mushrooms offering various services from loans to programs which will make us rich. We need to take time and look diligently who these people are. All the best, Nemira.
for me I’m scared to give out any information about my id I always get people calling my phone trying to get my credit card number and other information about my id. I have a loan I’m paying off and its great if your short on cash at the time.
Hello Casey. You are brave man, if got this loan. I guess it is a different type of loan. Sometimes we need it as rescue wheel. Anyway, I think that best way to reach independence to have business which will be yours and will pay dividends whole your life. Of course, you need to work on it, learn how to adapt knowledge from Wealthy Affiliate. I think it is hundred time better compare with high APR and lenders, who will chase you, if you not return money.
All the best, Nemira.
I like the layout. I’m not sure if this program is legit or no? or if that is just how it is suppose to be? It took me a couple times reading over it to get, but I got it. it might be me but that’s what I got from it. Anyway, I it is better to stay away from this type of loans. Take care, David.
Hi Nemira
Really a great true article. Your detailed presentation made it worth to learn a lesson from such online loan threats. These Might be hackers who asking your bank details for no reason. Experience teaches us a lot about such scams. In a pursue to earn easy and quick money, people takes such paths, which ultimately leads to destruction.
Keep on writing the such public awakening articles.
Hello Sam, how are you? Thanks for input. This company searches for naive people. Couple years ago I was one of them. Luckily, I got my money back. I learned my lesion in a hard way. My reward is a Wealthy Affiliate.We need to check things constantly, especially if somebody offers fast results without working to get what we want to achieve. It does not matter what it is. It can be success in online business or relationships. Everything requires effort, time and patience. No free lunch.
All the best, Nemira.
The article is well-written and organized. The step by step process that you went through highlights the careful scrutiny one should take into consideration when filling out forms or giving personal information via the internet. And the keyword is BEWARE. Good thing you pointed that out. All the red flags are there especially the fine print APR of 391%
Thank you for this article. WE should always be vigilant and expose these scams!
Hello Raul, thanks for input and comment for this particular review. I think that always will be people, who will believe in every word, what is written in websites. I was one of them. Thanks God, I found Wealthy Affiliate, which gives for me knowledge and community help anytime, when I need it.
There are so many fake websites, which want to take advantage of naive customers, fooling them with the big numbers and fake videos. I think that we need to think twice, before paying someone money. If company is real and trustworthy as Wealthy Affiliate is, they will show you all cards. No fine print involved in their website.
Anyway, I hope that more people after reading about these guys, they would think about consequences if they would want to have an agreement with them. It can be really painful and disappointing to deal with them.
All the best, take care, Nemira.
Hey there,
LoanThatMoney seems just like an online payday loan service and, like all of these services, is not worth it. The interest of almost 400% is ridiculous and could be very damaging if an emergency comes up where you aren’t able to pay the loan back in time. Everyone should definitely stay away from companies like these.
Hello Alex. Yes, you are right about ridiculous percentage. If somebody does not read it, they can pay a big price being naive customers. Overall it is better not to have anything in common with this type of loans. Living below our means is a best prevention against this type of scams.
Thank you, all the best, Nemira.
Thank you for this valuable info! There are so many scams on the internet that it’s not even funny anymore. I will be sure to tell my family and friends about this scam and hopefully this webpage doesn’t make any more money thanks to this post.
What is the biggest scam site you have come across??
Hello here, thanks for visiting my website. There are plenty of scammers and plenty of naive people as I was before joining Wealthy Affiliate. We want freedom as soon as possible. Sometimes our wish is stronger as an ability to see clearly.
My disappointment was when I believe in one family, which promised to teach secrets of business navigation.
Everything turned out in a perfect way. I got my lesson, I got my money back. The experience is invaluable thing especially if it ends in a pleasant way, without harm.
All the best, Nemira.